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Incisive Instigator
Real Name Dr. Ashleigh Reid
Gender Female
Age ~46 (as a human)
~76 (as a simulacrum)
~122 (total age)
Homeworld Unknown
Class Assault Class.svg Assault
Tactical Ability Arc Snare.svg Arc Snare
Passive Ability Marked for Death.svg Marked for Death
Ultimate Ability Phase Breach.svg Phase Breach
Real-world Info
Voice Actor Anna Campbell[1]
Added Nov 02, 2021
You can't trust her, she'll kill--
--anything that gets in my way.

Ash is an Assault.svg Assault Legend who was introduced in Season 11.svg Season 11. She can throw an Arc Snare.svg Arc Snare to prevent an opponent from escaping, and can quickly advance with her squad through a Phase Breach.svg Phase Breach. She can also use her Marked for Death.svg Marked for Death to find enemies anywhere on the map.

Ash can be unlocked using digital currency: either Legend Tokens 12,000 Legend Tokens or Apex Coins 750 Apex Coins.


Arc Snare

Arc Snare.svg Tactical Q/ LB/L1/LB
Arc Snare
Description Throw a spinning snare that damages and tethers the first enemy that gets too close.
Cooldown 20 seconds
  • Throws a slow-moving projectile. Upon landing, creates a spherical snare trap with a radius of 4 meters.
    • Can be thrown while performing other actions, such as firing or healing.
  • The first enemy to enter the radius takes 10 damage and is snared for 4 seconds.
    • Deals double damage to shields.
  • Lasts up to ~5 seconds if no target is snared.
  • A snared enemy still has a lot of room to dodge and weave within the radius. Since their movement will only be impaired if they try to escape, try to snare someone after they've taken some damage so you can finish them off.
  • Pair the snare with AoE attacks like grenades, Caustic's Nox Gas Trap.svg Nox Gas Traps, Fuse's Knuckle Cluster.svg Knuckle Cluster, etc.
  • Since it's a very slow-moving and obvious projectile, it's hard to hit at long range. Expect to use it more for area denial than actually trapping enemies from a distance.
  • Throw an arc snare at a doorway or corridor to block it for a few seconds, giving you a short time to heal.
  • Throw the snare at an enemy Horizon's Gravity Lift.svg Gravity Lift or an Octane's Launch Pad.svg Launch Pad. It'll effectively disable them for a few seconds (for one enemy, at least).

Marked for Death

Marked for Death.svg Passive H/Down/Down/Down on a deathbox
Marked for Death
Description Ash's map shows the location of recent deathboxes.
Press on a deathbox to mark surviving attackers (once per box).
  • Ash's map screen displays a marker over every Death Box that is less than 3 minutes old.
    • She can use these markers to ping them from any distance, by clicking on them in map view.
  • Ash can interact with the Death Box of any player (including your own squadmates) killed by another squad to find that squad's current location. If the attackers are dead, it will return "No Living Attackers".
    • You can use this ability on your own squadmates' death boxes to find their attackers.
    • The location of the attackers are marked on the map with the Ping Enemy Here.png Enemy Here ping for ~8 seconds.
    • For ~4 seconds, Ash is told the number of marked enemies. Those enemies are notified "POSITION REVEALED BY ASH" on their HUD.
  • Upon a teammate's elimination, the killer's location gets marked.
  • When combined with kill feed, the map-ping function can help to find fights, or to avoid places where fights occur.
  • You can help your teammate find loot by using the map-ping function to mark deathbox; this is especially helpful when the area is known to have intense firefights or in the last few rings.
  • Be cautious when marking death box: Some enemies are good at tracing their previous location, and as such marking deathbox may ended up exposing your own position instead.

Phase Breach

Phase Breach.svg Ultimate Z/LB + RB/L1 + R1/LB + RB
Phase Breach
Description Tear open a one-way portal to a targeted location.
Charge time 2 minutes
  • Ash immediately enters the phase tear upon activation.
  • Maximum range is 62.5 meters.
  • Lasts ~15 seconds.

  • Any player who uses the portal will face in a predetermined direction.
    • Use this to your advantage by immediately walking backwards after exiting your phase to take any enemies who follow you by surprise.
  • This ability can be used through open windows. Use this to escape a building, or to surprise enemies.
  • Most "Can't Place Here" errors can be resolved by jumping while creating the portal.


Perk Effects
Assault Class.svg


Level 2 Upgrades - Unlocked at 450 EVO
  • Murder Machine: Call out enemy squads within 150 meters after a squad wipe.
  • One Minute to Live: Passive use tracks enemy positions on the minimap for 60 seconds.
Level 3 Upgrades - Unlocked at 1800 EVO
  • Greedy Snare: Arc Snare lifetime increased (5 sec → 15 sec) and can snare multiple enemies.
  • Twin Snares: +1 Arc Snare charge.


Born in the unforgiving Frontier, Dr. Ashleigh Reid - still very much a human - learned early that the only person who was going to look out for her was herself. A humble lab assistant by day, she spent her nights in underground fighting rings, drug dens, and in the company of mercenaries. Over time, she learned the joys of psychological warfare: if she could break an opponent mentally, the battle was won before she even lifted a finger.

One day, she was hired by a mercenary group for a delicate job: steal an experimental fuel source being researched in the Outlands city of Olympus. It was the perfect job for Reid, who infiltrated and psychologically manipulated the researchers for years. She almost got what she wanted, but at the last moment, the researchers sacrificed themselves to destroy the lab. When it collapsed, Reid died with it... and didn't.

Her brain was put in a simulacrum shell, but in the process, she lost years of memories, and the trauma of her "death" caused her personality to fracture. Ash is the embodiment of the cold, perfectionistic, power-hungry side of Dr. Reid. After an encounter with Horizon overrides Ash's simulacrum programming, the framework that kept the vulnerable - yet intelligent - Leigh personality dormant has begun to crack. Ash joins the Games to prove she has transcended all humanity. Leigh's determined to prove her wrong.

For more information on Ash's story, see Ash (character).

Cosmetic items


There are a total of 66 Legend skins for Ash: 20 Legendary, 13 Epic, 17 Rare and 16 Common.


  1. This skin changes Ash's Legend select animation.
  2. Ash would betray her grandma for a payday. But Ash isn't the only mind living inside her memory banks... A reckoning is coming, it's just a matter of time.

  1. Only available in Escape Starter Pack


Main article: Finisher

Heirloom Set

Main article: Heirloom
Ash's Heirloom Set.

The set contains:

  • Banner Pose: Killer Skill
  • Melee weapon skin: Strongest Link
  • Intro Quip: "The skill of a Pilot."


Main article: Emote
  • Dancer of Death - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Murder in Motion - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Celestial Sunrise Collection Event Blazing Blade
  • Sale Icon.svg Acrobatic Assailant
  • Veiled Collection Event Slice and Dice
  • Living on the Edge - Crafting Metals 400
  • Warriors Collection Event Sharper Image
  • Season 14.svg Floating Point - Level 43
  • Season 19.svg Can't Stomach This - Level 64
  • Focus - Default

Skydive Emotes

Main article: Skydive Emote


Main article: Holosprays
  1. Only Available in Ash Launch Bundle

Voice lines




While Ash was introduced to the game in Season 5.svg Season 5 as a non-player character cameo originally from Titanfall 2, it was not until the teasers for Season 7.svg Season 7 appear that Ash's human identity started to be teased, before the reveal -- as well as her being playable -- in Season 11.svg Season 11.

  • At the end of "The Broken Ghost" quest, Ash says several inexplicable things, seemingly pulled randomly from her memories, that turns out to be words Ashleigh would have experienced as a human, as shown in Pathfinder's Quest and other out-of-game media:
    • Just a wee bit of betrayal before breakfast, eh, dearie? (imitating Horizon's Scottish dialect, and also directly spoken by her in an audio transmission)
    • X equals the temperature of the negative space, NOT the specimen itself. (also said by Dr. Lillian Peck in a letter to Somers inviting her and Reid to Olympus to help solve the energy crisis)
    • Duardo! Darion! (refers to Eduardo Silva and Darion Che, who would play rambunctiously in Peck Labs as children)
    • Fail-safe, fail-safe... who's got the fail-safe? (spoken by Dr. Anastasia Oliveira as a taunt to Reid, who failed to shut down the fail-safe implemented in Pathfinder, which foiled her plan of deactivating the Phase Runner)
    • All roads lead to Branthium. (spoken by Dr. Milly Delgado, one of the members of the Group)
    • Who doesn't like ice cream? Every kid likes ice cream. (the first words spoken by Pathfinder, which was created by her along the rest of the Group; the line was likely influenced by Dr. Armen Fletcher who loved ice cream)
    • "Six. Eight. Two. Four. One." "Oh. Eight. Six. Nine. Two." "Four. Four. Two. Oh. Eight." "One. One. Oh. Nine. Five." "Two. Seven. Eight. One. One." (68241-08692-44208-11095-27811 is the code sequence that, when spoken in such order by someone else, allows Ash to fully awaken her true self.[2])
  • In "The First Ship" quest, Blisk tells Ash that "an old friend of hers is back", with Horizon resurfacing at almost the same time. Season 11's quest confirms that Blisk was indeed referring to Horizon.
  • In both the videos "Promise" and "The Truth", Ashleigh's voice was not credited.
  • Ashleigh was skilled with a sword similarly to Ash, as she quickly drew out one from a nearby mercenary and sliced off Dr. Amélie Paquette's right hand, catching it before it fell.
  • Ashleigh was working for the Apex Predators as a commander during her betrayal.
  • During Decrypt the Passcode, if the player is playing as Horizon, Ash will say "Do you think you have what it takes to impress me, [glitch] dearie?" instead of "Do you think you have what it takes to impress me, Legend?"
  • While checking up on Horizon's Progress to resolve the Medusa Vines, Ash brought up the topic of her son Newton, despite Horizon not having said his name to her previously. Wattson proposed though that Ash may have learned it through the inscription on Pathfinder's statue.[3]. At the end of of the Medusa Vine crisis, Ash reminisces about Lillian Peck with Horizon before walking away.
  • On October 11, 2021, the "Finding a Path" comic was released[4]. It was shown that originally only Lillian Peck had the Olympus Access Code, yet Ash somehow also has it. Furthermore, both she and Lillian reiterated the phase "You're never alone".
  • On October 13, 2021, the "How to Wake Up" comic was released[5].
  • On October 15, 2021, the "You're Not alone" comic was released[6]. It was here Horizon spoke the 25-digit code that was first mentioned in "The Broken Ghost" quest, which allows Ash to fully awaken her true self.
  • On October 18, 2021, the video Stories from the Outlands - “Ashes to Ash” was released, officially establishing Ash as Ashleigh Reid as well as being the next Legend for Season 11.svg Season 11.


  • Ash's abilities are derived from Stryder-class titan abilities from Titanfall 2; the Arc Snare is based on Northstar's Tether Trap, and Phase Breach is based on Ronin's Phase Dash. The sword she wields is also very similar to Ronin's sword.
    • The logo of Lastimosa Armory and the label "PHASE BREACH" is printed on both sides of the hilt.
    • The actual blade of "PHASE BREACH" appears to be etched like Damascus steel.
  • Ash's mask is based off porcelain "death masks", taken as a cast of the deceased's face in some cultures around the world. As artist Joel Emslie describes, "We were thinking she wears a death mask from her past human self on her current robot body."[7]
  • Ash is currently the only legend with unique melee animations despite not having an Heirloom or being visible in first person.
  • While Ash doesn't like anyone specifically in the games, she does comment on some abilities. For instance, she finds Loba's Black Market "Remarkable," and Mirage's decoys "Pitiful."
  • Ash did not receive any changes until 512 days after her release, far more time than any other Legend.


