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Refined Gunslinger
Real Name August Montgomery Brinkman
Gender Male
Age 63
Homeworld Gaea
Class Assault Class.svg Assault
Tactical Ability Whistler.svg Whistler
Passive Ability Sling.svg Sling
Ultimate Ability Tempest.svg Tempest
Real-world Info
Voice Actor Robin Atkin Downes [1]
Added May 09, 2023
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

Ballistic is an Assault.svg Assault Legend who was introduced in Season 17.svg Season 17. He is able to bolster his weapon use by carrying an additional weapon in his Sling.svg Sling, and powers up his reloading and weapon handling with Tempest.svg Tempest. He can also briefly disable an enemy's weapon with his Whistler.svg Whistler.

Ballistic can be unlocked using digital currency: either Legend Tokens 12,000 Legend Tokens or Apex Coins 750 Apex Coins.



Whistler.svg Tactical Q/ LB/L1/LB
Description Shoots a projectile that heats up an enemy's gun as they shoot. Overheating causes damage. Hold the tactical to lock-on.
Cooldown 25 seconds
  • Deals 20 impact damage.
  • Applies the "Overheat" effect.
    • Effect lasts 8 seconds, during which time if the victim fires their weapon for too long, they will receive 30 damage and be unable to fire their weapon for 1 second. The effect is subsequently removed.
      • The impact damage can knock a player, however the overheat damage will not knock a player; if they have 30 HP or less, they will be reduced to 1 HP.
    • A visible heat meter will be displayed above the affected player, showing how close they are to overheating.
    • The heat meter will fill as the player fires their weapon.
    • After not firing for one second, the heat meter will gradually deplete again.
  • If the Whistler does not hit a target directly, it will temporarily stick to surfaces, creating a visible area-of-effect bubble that will cause the dart to hit an enemy if they get too close.
    • The bubble is visible through walls, but a player will only be affected by the dart if they enter the bubble while in line-of-sight of the dart.
    • If a player is hit by the bubble instead of being directly hit, they will receive 10 damage instead of 20. The overheat effect will still apply as normal.
  • Holding the Tactical button will delay the launch while enabling the auto-reticle; if locked on, reticle will turn from blue to yellow. Melee cancels the launch.
    • Autoaim can be acquired until 75m. If line-of-sight is broken, or goes beyond 75m, the lock will be maintained for another 3 seconds.
    • Once launched, the lock will be maintained; the bullet can make one turn in mid-air.
  • If a victim is locked on by Whistler, they will have a warning banner that say "missile locked."
  • Whistler can be used at the same time as other actions: firing, reloading, healing, etc.
  • Whistler can be used as a short-term deterrent for a localized area. Its damage is minimal, but if you fire a whistler dart at a doorframe it will be visible and serve as a moderate short-term deterrent against people going through that door.
  • As it is an off-handed weapon, as soon as you start some healing process, press and hold tactical to protect yourself in the off chance enemies come by.


Sling.svg Passive
Description Store a third weapon in the sling. Access either via inventory or Character Utility Action. The sling weapon cannot take attachments.
  • Press X/X(hold)/Square(hold)/Y(hold) to equip a weapon to the sling, and H/Down/Down/Down to use it.
  • A weapon in the sling slot will become a White Tier Weapon with a 1x HCOG Classic.svg 1x HCOG "Classic", except for sniper rifles which come with a 2x HCOG Bruiser.svg 2x HCOG "Bruiser".
  • The weapon in the sling can be swapped out with one of the two primary weapons via the inventory screen.
  • Supply Drop Weapons and any tier Fully Kitted Weapons cannot be stored in the sling in Battle Royale.
  • Only Rare and Epic tier Fully Kitted Weapons are temporary stripped as White Tier weapons in Control and Team Deathmatch Mode.
  • Sling Weapon is lost when respawned.
  • Decide whether you want to pick the sling weapon for general use (as a backup), or one that will benefit the most from Tempest.svg Tempest.
    • For the former, shotguns are often a good choice, as their damage potential is often substantial without attachments, and all benefit quite strongly from the Shotgun Bolt.svg Shotgun Bolt.
    • For the latter, it's best to carry a weapon that requires hop ups, has charge up mechanics, or generally benefits from being fully kitted, e.g. the Rampage LMG, Devotion LMG, HAVOC Rifle, EVA-8 Auto or RE-45 Auto.
      • Most automatic weapons are limited without attachments, due to recoil or low magazine sizes. LMGs tend to have a slow ready speed and ADS movement speed.
    • Snipers and Marksman are considered bad choices. Without the Sling-shot upgrade, it is difficult to utilize them as a back up weapon without good attachments (especially Optics, and Tempest is best used when pushing enemies. Even with the Sling-Shot, during endgame, where you may want to slot a gun into the sling and boost it with the Ultimate, marksman and snipers usually don't have good compatibility with standard attachments, resulting in a sub-par secondary.
  • The Sling-Shot upgrade open up the sling weapon choice greatly, as blue-level gun is consider "good enough". If you expect yourself to acquire that upgrade early, pick a gun that you are comfortable with.
    • If you attachment is not too high level (or you have high level attachment all around, it will be best to put the prefered gun in the Sling, as activating Tempest will automatically swap to it.
  • Note that you will also have to carry ammo for the sling weapon. Alternatively, pick guns that utilize the same ammo type as your primary-secondary.
  • Note that Sling Weapon is lost when respawned. If there is a gun you really want to keep post respawn, do not put it into the sling.
  • You can use the sling to store a weapon for teammate, allowing you to either store a gun for a to-be-respawned teammate, or just be a mule for a teammate who is looking for a particular gun. Store relevant attachments in inventory.
  • If you find yourself using Snipers only occasionally but still feel the need to reach that range in the off-chance, Vantage can be better than Ballistic as a "Three-weapon Legend". Aside from ensuring you will have two good kitted guns, Vantage has good movement capability, and her ultimate doesn't require storage of sniper bullets.
  • Choosing Legend Upgrade: Sling-Shot will replenish the sling weapon's ammo.


Tempest.svg Ultimate Z/LB + RB/L1 + R1/LB + RB
Description When activated, nearby teammates get faster reloads, faster armed move speed, and infinite ammo. Ballistic's sling weapon will be equipped and upgraded to gold.
Charge time 2 minutes
  • Takes 3 seconds to activate and lasts 30 seconds.
    • When Tempest is activated, pressing the "Ultimate" key will bring out the sling weapon
  • Duration is increased by 5 seconds per kill (by anyone affected by Tempest) during the activation period.
  • Affects teammates within a radius of 90 meters. Once they gain the autoloader effect, they can move beyond the radius while retaining the effect.
  • The faster armed move speed is identical to holster speed.
  • The sling weapon is reloaded automatically once wind-up complete.
  • The sling weapon cannot be swapped to regular slot, nor disposed of, during the duration of the ultimate.
    • If the sling is empty, equipping a gun to the sling while Tempest is active will upgrade it to gold.
  • Even if the ultimate runs out, the sling-weapon will keep its gold status for up to 25 seconds as long as you keep continuously shooting or reloading it.
  • Sling weapon upgrades when Tempest activate:
    • Shotguns, pistols, and snipers will have a Digital Threat Scope
    • AR/LMGs will have a 2x HCOG Bruiser.svg 2x HCOG "Bruiser"
    • Marksmans will have a 2x-4x Variable AOG.svg 2x-4x Variable AOG
    • Chargeable guns (Sentinel, Rampage LMG) will cause them to become Sniper Ammo Amped.png Amped / Heavy Rounds Revved Up.svg Revved Up.
    • Guns with a hop-up slot will gain the hop-up.
  • The speed boost stacks with other legends' speed boosts.
  • Once activated, not affected by Crypto's Drone EMP.svg Drone EMP
  • Keep in mind it does have a small wind-up time. Activate it before fights.
  • Tempest is best used when pushing with your teammates, especially when paired with aggressive legends such as Octane and Pathfinder.


Perk Effects
Assault Class.svg


Level 2 Upgrades - Unlocked at 450 EVO
  • Sling-Shot: Sling weapon's tier will upgrade to match EVO level, to Level 2 and Level 3.
  • Lasting Bullet: Smart Bullet lifetime tripled. (3 sec → 9 sec)
Level 3 Upgrades - Unlocked at 1800 EVO
  • Extra Bullet: +1 Whistler charge.
  • Speedy Whistler: Receive a 2 second speed boost when Whistler hits an enemy.


August was the sole heir to the Brinkman fortune, built on shady backroom deals. But when those deals caught up with his parents, August was left a billionaire orphan. Wealthy, furious and self-destructive, August joined the Thunderdome Games (the pre-Apex Apex Games). Here, he took the name Ballistic and became a sensation! His style was wild, reckless, and utterly selfish⁠, helping him become the very first Thunderdome celebrity.

He was famed for his iconic CAR (“Lady Grey”, for the tea). It was here, in combat, that August would meet the love of his life, Sok Leng. They would quickly marry and have a son, Nathaniel. Sok Leng and her brother Kit Siang were an inseparable duo of destruction, and with August now in their squad, they seemed unstoppable.

But nothing lasts forever. August’s crowd-pandering combat style meant he wasn’t paying attention to his team when they needed him, leading to Kit Siang’s death. Devastated by guilt, August retreated into himself, driving away his wife and son. For nearly two decades, August lived as a recluse, keeping busy with small tasks to distract a lonely mind. And so August was largely forgotten, though not by everyone. His son, Nathaniel, was both enamored with his father’s victories and determined to surpass them. When his son qualified to join the dangerous Apex Games, August went to the Syndicate with an offer: take me instead.

His son would be safe from the path that ruined him. What better way to use those skills than in selfless service? And if it just so happens to be his favorite activity, killing all who stand against him…That’s quite the fortunate coincidence.

For more information on Ballistic's story, see Ballistic (character).

Cosmetic items


There are a total of 49 Legend skins for Ballistic; 10 Legendary, 8 Epic, 15 Rare, and 16 Common.


Main article: Finisher


Main article: Emote
  • Conductor - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Bang - Crafting Metals 400
  • Ballistic Icon.svg Only Need One
  • Season 19.svg Strong Brew - Level 82
  • Sale Icon.svg Charged Whirlwind
  • Looking Sharp - Default

Skydive Emotes

Main article: Skydive Emote


Main article: Holospray

Voice lines




  • In game:
    • On April 13th, 2023, a single crate arrived in the Firing Range. On it was stenciled "ASSET MIGRATION INTIATIVE / Transfer to Dynamic Testing Facility, Solace / Max Weight - 40 KG / LOT #S17FR2K23RSPN / HANDLE WITH CARE". "S17FR2K23RSPN" is interpreted as "Season 17, Firing Range, 2023, Respawn"
    • On April 17th, 2023: More crates appear; as well as the arrival of a Widow cargo-ship.
    • On April 21st, 2023: One of the crates break open, revealing various printed magazines. Gibaltar, Mirage, and Rampart can interact with them and has voicelines reacting to the magazine, noting that Ballistic is coming back.
  • Twitter teaser
    • On 2023; April 21st, April 22, April 23, and April 25, pictures depicting the interior of Ballistic's mansion was released.

Datamined and Leaked Data

Caliber Icon.png
  • When the Datamine and leaked data accidentally leaked all the next upcoming Legends back in Season 12, Ballistic was originally going to go under the name "Caliber" in the leaks, however it was later changed to "Ballistic" in the final version. He was originally a Support.svg Support Legend whose character subtitle is "Apex Arms Dealer". He uses Fuse's Dark Depths Icon.svg Broseidon skin as icon placeholder.


  • His tactical, Whistler, which is "Made in New West", is a reference to the Metro Vancouver region and Whistler Ski Resort.
