Transition/Season 2

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These take place after "A Father's Letter" and the Battle Charge Launch Trailer.

Transition Description
Transition Kings Canyon.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Kings Canyon - Classic
Once a simple settlement on the planet Solace dating back to the earliest expeditions to the Frontier, the island known as Kings Canyon didn't thrive until a century later, when the now-defunct IMC built several outposts centered around scientific research and development. In fact, it's rumored that the IMC conducted experiments using phase shift technology here, although explorers have yet to find any evidence that proves this. To blow off steam, IMC soldiers stationed here would compete in gladiator-esque combat in an area they nicknamed 'Thunderdome'. Years later, when the Syndicate commissioned the rebuilding of the island of Kings Canyon as the home of their newest bloodsport, they insisted Thunderdome remain untouched - a tribute to the earliest known predecessor of what we know today as 'The Apex Games'
Transition Kings Canyon MU1.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Kings Canyon - Battle Charge
Native to the Frontier, Leviathans roam the majority of planets that contain rich vegetation. Although classified as omnivores by the IMC’s Animal & Wildlife Research Division, these 400 meter tall creatures mainly consume fruits and vegetables as their primary diet. The majestic Leviathan may seem intimidating due to its gigantic size, but they are hardly aggressive; considered only dangerous when in close proximity to highly populated areas due to overwhelming power of their movements. To protect research facilities, cities and colonies near Leviathan territories, the IMC developed Repulsor Towers (Dog-whistle towers) to emit high-frequency sounds that only Leviathans could hear, which kept the creatures at a safe distance. However if a tower were to fall, please evacuate quickly - your life may depend on it.
Transition Tip of the Spear.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Tip of the Spear
BP Level 4
Being an Apex Legend takes courage, strength, and confidence...or as some call it, ‘Just being Gibraltar’ heh heh… We all put passion in our matches and fight like each day depends on it; my work with S.A.R.A.S. taught me that. You need to love what you do, care about what you do, and believe in your ability to do what you do; my parents taught me that. Finally, brothas, trust in those around you, protect those around you, and never forget that no matter how big you are, the world is always bigger; the Apex Games taught me that. Let’s go change a life!
Transition Ravenous.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Ravenous
BP Level 14
It is a gift to be an Apex Legend, but the true test is in the eyes of the Allfather. Each day brings me closer to honoring my felagi fighters who put have their lives ahead of my own. For them, I am prepared to face every challenge no matter what form the beast of the night chooses to take. As the prey stalks, the hunter hunts. Trust in nature, trust in yourself - that is the path to victory.
Transition Me, Myself, and I.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Me, Myself, and I
BP Level 24
Why did I become a Legend? One reason: women. I kid. Real reason? Beautiful women. Sorry. They say I use humor as a defense mechanism, but hello... self-deprecation is my defense mechanism. Humor’s my crutch. Or maybe my fallback? I don’t know, one of those. I guess at the end of the day, the Games give people a reason to cheer. Aren’t a whole lot of those left in the Outlands these days. Cool to be part of that. All I have to do is die young. So…yeah…anyhoo, I’m just pulling your leg, it’s totally for the babes.
Transition Blackheart's Rage.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Blackheart's Rage
BP Level 34
Yes, I’ve heard about criminals posing as Legends, and they’re as derivative as they are pathetic. Take this prison break. I admit there are similarities to my modus operandi, but the cloud formations… that’s where they went wrong. My gas wafts through the air as if dancing with death. Not like the spray of some hick fireman’s two decade old extinguisher, as shown here. Anybody with a tenth of my brain power can see this for what it is: amateurs playing dress-up in a desperate attempt to gain notoriety. But considering your banal, lackluster brand which you dare call ‘journalism’? A tenth of my intellect is giving you far too much credit. Do you have any more questions that might illuminate your ignorance? Very well. Enjoy your day.
Transition Liberation.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Liberation
BP Level 44
I’ve seen a world where I’m not a Legend… and I’ve seen a world where I am. We all make choices in our lives, every second, every day, and those choices...they define us, but they don’t control us. We are our future, not our past. No matter what choice you make, the world you’re in is the world you chose… Accept it. One day you’re a Legend, the next you’re something else. So be it, nothing will control me.
Transition Inventive Spirit.jpg

Season 2 Icon.svg Inventive Spirit
BP Level 54
After the funeral, I stood in our kitchen, and it was so... quiet. I had dreamt of quiet like that, but now that I had it, I was terrified. And alone. I sat on the floor, and I know how silly this sounds, but I hid under the table. That was where they found me. Anita. Makoa. Ajay. Even Dr. Caustic, and he hates everybody. They’d just as soon stab each other in the back. Or the front. But they put that all aside. To support me. The electrician’s kid. I thought I knew what family was. But my equations were incomplete. My family is here. At the Games. And now it’s my turn to support them. With every last charge in me.
Transition Seeking the Creator.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Seeking the Creator
BP Level 64
I’m Marvin, but my best friends call me Pathfinder. I love being an Apex Legend because that means my banner is on display for everyone in the Outlands to see, especially my creator whoever they are. Competing alongside so many skilled fighters each match is really cool and it makes me very excited to know that I am everyone’s favorite squadmate to fight with; my friend Mirage told me that. He also said that I don’t get sarcasm, which was also nice to hear...I think.
Transition A Hero's Fall.png

Season 2 Icon.svg A Hero's Fall
BP Level 74
I call him Jackie, but he’ll slap you sideways if you print that. Stick with Jackson. And he’s not gone. Always equip your Jump Kit first... That Pilot was a stickler for protocol, to the end. Not that it’s the end. I just hope he found some peace. Maybe settled down. He was always great with kids...taught me everything I know. He said sometimes you only have time to chamber a single round. So you have to know how to do it right. The last thing I said to him was he’s worried about nothing. Four and a half seconds later, I’m watching him-- he’s in skyfall. ‘Worried about nothing.’ Do you know how insufferable that boy will be, sitting on ‘I told you so’ for over a decade? I’ll never hear the end of it. Actually, know what? Print ‘Jackie’. It’ll drive him crazy. But this way, he’ll know it’s really me. Sometimes you only have time to chamber a single round. Got to do it right.
Transition Paying Forward.png

Season 2 Icon.svg Paying Forward
BP Level 84
They call us Legends… that’s good for them, but I couldn’t care less. I’m not here for the title. After the war, many people were left with nothing. If you ask me, it doesn’t matter what side they were on. We all had our own part in the war. No one is truly innocent, so we all deserve help. Like I said, I don’t care about the title, but don’t let that fool you, I am here to win...for them. The Legends are out there...they just don’t know it yet.
Transition Record Breaker.jpg

Season 2 Icon.svg Record Breaker
BP Level 94
Where did you get this photo? I’ve never seen this before. Do you know, I remember everything about this moment. Know what I’m thinking here? Not ‘I can’t feel my legs’ or ‘are those my feet dangling by the bone?’. No, I’m thinking how cool it is that thousands of people are cheering for me, and they’re still not as loud as the heartbeat in my ears. Tha-THUM. Tha-THUM. Tha-THUM. That was the moment I realized: life isn’t worth living, if you don’t know this feeling. Mind if I keep this, compadre? I love this shot. This was the single greatest day of my life. Mi cumpleaños. The day I was born.
Transition Voidwalker.png

Voidwalker Lore Event Voidwalker
Voidwalker event challenge
The following is a partially transcribed report discovered during construction of the Kings Canyon Apex Games 3.5.28:
On ____27, Security Guard Vart__ reported on record that an _______ trespasser infiltrated Kings Canyon facility ________ at 1900 hou__. We had be__ told the whole campus was cleared by order of ______ when we began ______. It's important to note ___ the trespasser used an unknown tech____ to _____. I haven't seen anything like ___ since my temporary assignment on p__net Typh__. We procee__ with our orders to completely _____ the entire underground ______ but request further instructions from A_R_ Div____. Who was she?