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Apex Legends Wiki, Apex Legends ve Apex Legends Mobile oyuncuları için bir referans sitesi olup oyuncular tarafından yönetilmektedir.
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<slideboxlightshow halign="center" width="250" height="150">

File:Infested Olympus Overhead.png File:Infested Olympus Inside Icarus.jpg File:Arenas Party Crasher 01.jpg File:Arenas Party Crasher 02.jpg File:Arenas Party Crasher 03.jpg File:Arenas Party Crasher 04.jpg File:Arenas Phase Runner 01.jpg File:Arenas Phase Runner 02.jpg

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<metadesc>The comprehensive community-driven wiki and information source for Apex Legends, the battle royale from the makers of Titanfall!</metadesc>