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During Season 9 - A new BR PoI was introduced as an Arenas map - "Estates" This isn't listed anywhere in the wiki. Further, during Season 9 they brought Gardens into rotation for a few weeks also.

I wrote the last message, about Estates - I misspoke - It's actually season 10 where estates was available (for the first few weeks after the first rotation of the three POI maps)

Feb 23 2022 pricing updates

The pricing of weapons has recently changed. See respawn's twitter:

They describe the following pricing changes:

Updated weapons with Hammerpoint Rounds:

-Mozambique white (50 -> 100), blue (150 -> 200), purple (300 -> 500)

-P2020 white (25 -> 50), blue (50 -> 150), purple (250 -> 500)

-RE45 purple (350 -> 400)

Other weapons updated:

-EVA8 base (350 -> 150)

-Prowler white (200 -> 150), blue (350 -> 300)

-R99 purple (350 -> 300)

-Devotion purple (400 -> 500)

-LStar blue (250 -> 200), purple (350 -> 300)

Additionally, the pricing table does not contain information about hop-ups added for any guns.

I tried to make these changes but I guess I don't have privileges to edit the pricing table?