Transition/Season 19

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Transition Description
Transition The Last Gleaming.png

Season 19.svg The Last Gleaming
BP Level 1

IMC: ARCHIVES - Outlands

PLANET - Nexus

FILE CLASSIFICATION: Public [For Unrestricted View, Please Submit IDENT Credentials]


2711 – Regional government overthrown in coup. Infiltration team categorize the government as “Monarchy, Class: Tyrant”

2714 – IMC-Nexus Op #78854 begins, with IMC infiltration units— ***REDACTED***

2716 – Tyrant forces publicly execute hundreds who question their power. IMC High Command gives order to intervene. IMC makes contact with local rebellion forces, supplementing their war effort.

2715 - IMC High Command initiates a recall of their military from the Outlands, leaving the Nexus rebels in charge of their own fate.

2717 – Supplied by the IMC (alongside a small band of IMC deserters), the Nexus rebels overthrow the Tyrant and their industrial might. Significant casualties are suffered on both sides. While many Nexans look to the IMC as heroes, some believe that, as the Tyrant’s forces had access to Titans, the IMC provided weaponry to both sides. See file IMC-Nexus Op #78854 for details.

Transition The Long Road Home.png

Season 19.svg The Long Road Home
BP Level 11


Today I finally fought in the Games. IN the Games! And I’m not dead! Ate Diwa’s not gonna believe this…

I’m friends with Legends. …I’m a Legend! At 27! People look up to me the way I look up to them!

…So why do I feel like this?


Every time I go home, I feel—

Next week I’ll do what I always do when I can string the days together: Go home. Balikbayan boxes bursting.

Nexus sounds different from anywhere else in Syndicate Space. It’s not just quieter, it’s clearer. And the air is… crisp, somehow. Like I’m the only person to have ever breathed it.
Even on the Syndicate’s fastest ships, the trip takes three and a half days. That leaves one day with friends, one day with family… and half a day to recover from devouring Lola’s cooking. Astig!

I’ll get a bellyful of her homemade Sinigang, and pass the heck out on the couch, watching Potpot and Baby fighting over the last spoonful. …Until Diwa offers what’s left of hers.
[sigh] Diwa keeps giving…

I love the Games, I love my new friends, I do, but…

Miss ko na sila.

Every time I go home, I feel…
At home.

No place like it."

Transition Custom RADIA Plating.png

Season 19.svg Custom RADIA Plating
BP Level 45

>> TO: “Lenlen Lastimosa”

>> SUBJECT: RE: Custom Plating

Ninang, I finished the custom plating you requested. Be by later this week for a fit & test. Send me the address, please.

The radiation stress levels the plating needs to withstand are concerning. The charts are . . . not good. Even with the containment and filtering system in place and my RADIA plates, there’s still a possibility of a small-radius leak when the battery is supercharged—anytime “Conduit” amps or deploys jammers. The dispense tech will run clean. But you both knew that, ‘di ba? Then, I’d like to talk about systems for management and vitals.

This is for those Games? If you’re okay with this, then I’ll help how I can. I’m surprised you of all people said yes.

P.S. Opo, took off the logo.

Transition Energy Conservation PSA.png

Season 19.svg Energy Conservation PSA
BP Level 86

This is a System-wide warning from the Emergency Broadcasting System, issued by the Syndicate Emergency Management Agency. Due to the devastation caused by the recent massive weather event on Storm Point, citizens are encouraged to preserve power wherever possible. Until repairs are complete on the damaged Stormcatchers, expect continued power outages in the surrounding areas. If you think you or someone you know is in imminent danger, please contact your local Syndicate Support branch for assistance.

Transition Calling Triple-Kill Champ.png

Season 19.svg Calling Triple-Kill Champ
BP Level 93

<<Call with UNCLE BOY:^)>>
<<1:00:46 Elapsed Time>>

UB:^): Tito, let us have a tur—
UB:^): CONDUIT! CONDUIT! [laughing]
SELF: Ate Conduit to you three!
UB:^): Ring closing!
UB:^): YOU GOT ASH!! [fumbling] Sandali—
UB:^): It’s not even that late. Fine. Hoy, Ate, Ate Diwa wants us to pass the phone.
UB:^): Get Rev next time!
UB:^): Have Seer and Octane and Wattson and Bangalore and Gibraltar and—
SELF: Oo, ask them to sign something for you. Goodnight! AND BRUSH IYONG NGIPIN!
UB:^): Hi. It’s me.
SELF: OH, Ate. HI. Kumusta—
UB:^): We didn’t finish our conversation from the other day.
SELF: Yeah, we—
UB:^): Quit. You won. More than once. Good job, I mean it, it’s very impressive. It’s enough, come home.
SELF: Ate, I don’t want to.
UB:^): Roro, the battery, it’s hurting you. I can see it. PLEASE. I didn’t tell the fam about that like you asked. It’s not worth being in the Games. It’s not worth you. I can handle it, I’m doing better.
SELF: [Mirage] Conduit, they need us! Photos!
SELF: One second, Mirage. Look, just rest up and focus on healing. I have to go. Th-they want me on the podium. Talk later. Mahal kita.
UB:^): . . . be safe. Love you too.

<<1:02:14 – Call Ended>>