Transition/Season 20

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Transition Description
Transition Cheers.png

Season 20.svg Cheers
BP Level 1

"How many times have we done this?" Kairi laments as she throws back a glass of brown liquid. Or maybe it's just a gross glass? Never know what you're gonna get at the Paradise Lounge.

Ramya mused wryly, "'This', mate? Sharing an evening with top notch company and questionable beverages? Not even Somers can count that high."

Kairi sighs under the weight of a long year. "Not the 'bar fly' thing, the... 'Celebrating Having A New Ex' thing."

"Ah. That." Ramya thinks, then, "This is number two. At least your last break up got me a fabulous name for a fabulous weapon."

"...Do NOT name a gun 'The Loba'."

Ramya throws her arms wide, like an emphatic infomercial host. "It shoots, it sasses... it obsesses over its past at the cost of its future!... Too soon?"

Kairi snorts, goes to agree, but then shrugs. "You're not wrong." She reaches over the bar and helps herself to a top up. "'The future' ...After what Duardo unleashed, with what's coming... a girl could use a little extra firepower. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who's an expert in upgrade, would you?"

Ramya raises her glass. "Ya know, mate... I might just have a lead or two."

Transition Great Minds.png

Season 20.svg Great Minds
BP Level 11

Design is sound. Physics check out. A welcomed bit of good news. Hoping Branthium will be the only power it needs.

Decided to ditch the chest plate design in favor of the glove model. Keeping the center of the wee thing near the strong pulse points of my wrists should help without riskin frying my heart.

Cannae get the bloody thing working. Will try again in a bit.

No damned luck. Going to try alternative power sources.

Tried every-bloody-thing I could think of to power the damned glove. Nearly blew my whole remote lab away. Branthium didn't do it and I've exhausted every other option. What was I thinking, building a hypothetical machine that works on a hypothetical power source.

Something has got to work. I can crack this.

Transition Project -Redacted- Terminated.png

Season 20.svg Project {Redacted} Terminated
BP Level 45

EMP 01625: Expunge project {REDACTED}.
EMP 87251: For clarification, which branch.
EMP 01625: The whole project. Confirm when complete.
EMP 87251: I'm not authorized to format the project without DS approval.
EMP 01625: DS is no longer available. Confirm when complete.
EMP 87251: Please explain.
EMP 01625: HAVE YOU NOT HEARD? DS IS DECEASED. Confirm when complete unless you want to be held responsible.
EMP 87251: what
EMP 01625: Syndicate leadership is changing. This could cause some legal problems for us. You want to end up the scapegoat for this mess? Confirm when complete.
EMP 87251: No phase 2 or 3? Shouldn't we loop in the new defense unit?
EMP 01625: You saw what happened. His plan was a disaster.
EMP 87251: The Outlands will be left vulnerable.
EMP 01625: No longer our concern. Save yourself. Confirm when complete.
EMP 87251: Deletion confirmed. Erasing remaining servers and this correspondence.

Transition No Will, No Way.png

Season 20.svg No Will, No Way
BP Level 86


TO: All Staff

FROM: Managing Partners of Zhang. Hopper, & Mah.

SUBJECT: The D. Silva Estate

It should go without saying that discretion is prime amongst the Professional Pillars(TM) that hold our firm above all others in the Outlands. So when we say we are disappointed that the media learned of the late Mr. Silva's lack of a will and testament, leaving his empire in a legal morass, understand we are GREATLY disappointed. Though it was Mr. Silva's decision, the media is keen as ever to place blame at our firm's feet

Fortunately, the late Mr. Silva's lone offspring, Octavio Silva, has been gracious in this matter. Not only did he approve the Syndicate's request to take ownership of his late father's private collection of relics, Octavio agreed that our firm was not responsible for the missing will, and shall have access to the necessary resources to ensure the proper transfer of the estate to its rightful beneficiary. He is an exemplary young man-one who, despite his rough and ready reputation, grasps the Professional Pillar(TM) of duty better than some at our very firm.

We will use his grandfather, Torres Eduardo Silva's will to establish a line of inheritance in our investigations moving forward. We also offered our services in drawing a will and testament for Octavio himself, given the perilous nature of his preferred profession, and he accepted.

Despite the damage to our reputation, the firm of Zhang, Hopper, & Mah - including you - will do our duty to hew to the Professional Pillars(TM) as we shepherd Silva Pharmaceuticals for many years to come, and with the utmost discretion.

Transition An “Unfortunate Accident”.png

Season 20.svg An “Unfortunate Accident”
BP Level 93


Office of Syndicate Public relations

To our loyal fans of the Apex Games:

We've heard your concern over the recent "unfortunate incident" that occurred in our Arena on Storm Point. We understand how disturbed the citizens in the neighboring areas and the audience of the Apex Games would feel by the rumors of an invasion during our unfortunate but temporary media blackout. The incident in question was nothing more than minor glitches in our routine maintenance. You can rest assured that the situation has been contained thanks to increased Syndicate security measures and the help of some of your favorite Legends. Although no one can see what the future holds, the Apex Games will continue as scheduled and we look forward to many more years without incident.

Additionally, the Syndicate will have new leadership moving forward and will be taking the helm of our upcoming Anniversary Celebration! Please join us in welcoming our new administration as we all enjoy our beloved Apex Games.

Transition OTV Breaking News Weather Report.png

Season 20.svg Broken News
Free on login

> Olympus.
>> No way. That's not Olympus. I was watching Apex on Olympus at the same time. Cat won with a-
> Then what OBLITERATED the Stasis Net Emitter?
>> A weather balloon?
> Yeah. Yeah you're right. A weather balloon took out a flippin' STASIS NET while looking for clouds on Boreas' flippin' MOON in the STRATOSPHERE.
>> A bunch of weather balloons?
> No matter how many weather balloons you float slowly towards a Stasis Net Emitter, there's NO way it can achieve velocity to penetrate, let alone generate temperatures that could MELT that steel, let alone trigger its power core to IMPLODE. I'm TELLING you. It was Olympus. Look at the RED PONTOONS.
>> How do we know it actually happened? This could be some special effects. The news always uses special effects on stuff, Frosty. You wanna come over for some chili tonight?
> Agreed, but this is TOO weird, even for Stone and OTV to make up. And given the fact that the images conflict with what they're reporting should TELL you this is REAL, and it's a MAJOR cover up. And YES to chili. Should I bring anything? How about some WEATHER BALLOONS, to spice things up?
>> Watch you show up with Olympus.