Transition/Season 6

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These take place after "The Endorsement" and the Boosted Launch Trailer. They are followed by "The First Ship" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Destination Unknown.png

Season 6 Icon.svg Destination Unknown
BP Level 23
Hmm, isanghanae. Hammond built a shuttle on World's Edge during the seasonal hiatus - but why. The security on their flight logs is a joke. It is called the Arcadia. Flight clearance signed by Peck, Lilian - looks like a generic authorization. Coded BRANT PII. The ship has no offensive capabilities, but a long manifest. Looks like they're moving scientific equipment and supplies. Destination... mwo? That can't be right. I need to dig deeper. Aish... doh-um johm bah-das sse myun johk ghet-dah.
Transition Self-Destruct.png

Season 6 Icon.svg Self-Destruct
BP Level 31
I pay no mind to the gjalla that run beneath the surface of the Games. The personal grievances of utanaðkomandi do not interest me, and it distracts from the hunt. Yet, I am saddened this day, for I have come to respect some caught in this mire.
They rend and gnash over mere squabbles. Where once they were felagi, they are now bitter andskoti. They are the source of their own . Such wasted energy. I will expend none on this petty venture. My focus remains on a much greater goal. I cannot be distracted.
Transition Aftermatch.png

Season 6 Icon.svg Aftermatch
BP Level 47
I did what I thought was right, bruddah. Caustic did wrong putting Loba in danger, tricking Wattson and blaming Crypto for what he did. They had a right to know. Everybody did. But the gang split up, and the next time we're gonna meet, it's gonna be at the end of each other's guns. Still, I had to try, you know? Talkin' to Crypto ain't gonna happen. Never sticks around after a match, and never lets on where he's goin'. Loba was easier - hounded Anita a bit last time met at lil' Ramya's and got her number. Loba talked like she thought it was funny - can't say I feel the same, bruddah. But she thanked me and said she'd "tuck that away for safekeeping." Then it was just Wattson - remembered where to find her easy, like we did back when her pa passed away. But when she saw me at her door, she stopped me. Said she didn't want to hear anything else, and needed time to think. It weighs on me, bruddah, but - gotta respect what she wants. Just gotta give it time.
Transition The Referral.png

Season 6 Icon.svg The Referral
BP Level 56
Yeah... I've heard of her. Those with fight in ‘em... they're not hard to miss. But I really don't care what kind of weapon you use. You can soup it up, mod it up, hell, put bloody rockets on the damn thing, it all comes down to who you are and what you can do with it. The war might be over... but the fight ain't. Never is. Can't let your guard down because if you do, someone better will take advantage of it. In the end, you're left with a polished pistol on display and a hole in your head. I know from bloody experience... I've put a few holes in heads. Heh. Gonna be off the grid for a while - but I'll keep an eye on your girl - see if she's got more than just a shop full of toys. If you're right... I'll add her to the list. Thanks for the tip - and the drink. Legend, eh? Heh... it's just a bloody name.
Transition Midnight Pint.png

Season 6 Icon.svg Midnight Pint
BP Level 74
Right, mate. I've been knocked down, taken out, hit from both sides hundreds of times - and that was just in a one gauntlet run on a Thursday. But this... this one was a blast! Big Sister's crap of a gang blindsided me at the shop. I mean, do they think they're from the bloody Fringe Worlds? They ain't that tough. I'm just sayin', if ya gonna throw a party at least book a DJ... or a band if you prefer real music, but don't just show up causin' a ruckus and expect not to get a punch in the bloody face. Those plonkers were just pissed that I ran circles around them in the club - cleaned ‘em out pretty good if I don't say so myself. But I ain't stayin' down. Never do. And now, I'm in the bloody big leagues. No more brawlin' for coin against small town street gangs - Ab aur nahin. My shop may be gone, but the name 'Rampart' ain't. I reckon only one thing left to do... go out, make it Legendary, and be back in time for a midnight pint. Now THAT's a Thursday.
Transition Aftermarket.png

Season 6 Icon.svg Aftermarket
Aftermarket prize track