Transition/Season 14

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These take place after "Survive" and the Hunted Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "Friends Like These" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Psych Evaluation of T-0323.png

Season 14.svg Psych Evaluation of T-0323
BP Level 01
PSYCH INTERVIEWER: I–Dr. S–am conducting a psychological evaluation of Xenia Contreras after the incident with–
XENIA: –Miranda. Once in the hand. Once in the stomach.
P.I.: Erm, yes. Could you tell me why you did that?
X: Self-defense. She started choking me and I sliced her hand to break free.
P.I.: ‘Self-defense’. Why did she attack you?
X: I don’t pay attention to the drama that goes on here.
P.I.: And the second ‘cut’?
X: She kept attacking so I incapacitated her.
P.I.: I see. Where did you get the knife?
X: . . .
P.I.: Let’s come back to that. Could you tell me how you survived–the crash, the wilderness, the birth?
X: I had to. For her.
P.I.: For your daughter? Hm. Do you think Xiomara being with you was for the best? I hear she was horrifically injured while in your care. And now, she’s fighting in a bloodsport . . . wouldn’t it be better if she lived with, say, a family mem–
X: –el va por la IZQUIERDA–
P.I.: Guards! Guards! AHHHCKK—restrain her!
Transition Happy Birthday Mara.png

Season 14.svg Happy Birthday, Mara
BP Level 11
Feliz Cumpleaños, mija. I’m sure that by now your perceptive mind has tipped you off, but I’m giving you the A13-Sentry. While it is a gift, this isn’t a toy–it’s a privilege and responsibility. It has been passed down to me by my mother, to her by her mother, and so on. It’s yours now, so take care of it. Remember, you need to make sure its temperature is regulated so that it won't get jammed in the cold. Keep it out of the snow and free of debris. Above all, keep it safe and it’ll keep you safe. I hope one day you’ll pass this rifle on to your own child. Until then, use it well. Happy Birthday, Mara. Now it’s up to you to see another birthday. I know you will.
Transition Reenactment Revolution.png

Season 14.svg Reenactment Revolution
BP Level 45
Subject: Huge GDS Vantage lead!

Body: Hey Team, I have some good news! I’m sure we’ve all noticed that there has been a dip in attendance to our reenactments of the Outlands Civil War, and if I’m being completely honest, performances all around have been stale. (No offense, Manny, but I can tell you’ve been getting bored!) We tried making both sides more evenly equipped so it’s more fun to watch, but even that didn’t improve our numbers.

Well, this morning my buddy that works in the Gaean government, got me a copy of the GDS Vantage blueprint. We’ll be the ONLY reenactment group able to ACCURATELY cover what really went down on that prison ship. Sure, we don’t know the details, but neither do any of the other groups. So, with the “historically accurate” blueprint, we get to bring our own exciting interpretation to life, and be the most accurate reenactment! So please respond to my next email for scheduling a brainstorm on Xenia, the traitor. We gotta spice up this backstory!

Transition Intake Eval for X. Contreras.png

Season 14.svg Intake Eval for X. Contreras
BP Level 58
DATE: 16 Mar 2716, 11:32am
Signed by Lý, Minh Hà, MD, PhD
Active Medication List: NONE. Ending prev doctor’s sedative rec.

Advising: exercise, additional nutritional support, mental stimulation.

First visit to Ms. Contreras on the GDS Vantage. Female patient in her mid-20’s. Pre-existing injuries include periorbital hematoma.

P.H. for mother and fetus are normal for 12 weeks. Mentioned my worries about the sedative and her future bone health (due to sustained poor nutrition). Will continue to monitor.

Alert, well-spoken, and distrusting but doing well considering current circumstances. When examining the fetus Ms. Contreras asked if her child would be taken from her and given to her parents. This triggered a panic attack.

Despite my refusal to break doctor-patient confidentiality, I believe someone is gaining access to my records. So. Please communicate that I, a healthcare professional, STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH ANY MEASURES TO TAKE AWAY HER CHILD. The assumption that she is unfit is grossly manufactured.

As long as Ms. Contreras wishes to retain custody, THAT is the plan I will be following.
Transition A Canyon Built for Kings.png

Season 14.svg A Canyon Built for Kings
BP Level 78
For those who missed the reopening ceremony for King’s Canyon, APEXGAMESDAILY has provided a transcript for our loyal newsletter subscribers! Read on to hear the beautiful words of the esteemed poet of The Outlands Shayne Stella:

“Dust settles.
Revealing old bones around a new battlefield.
We return again.
And again. As a fresh take is revealed
Pushing through as we reach new heights.
Buckling down against the hard fights.
We stepped away from the place we called home.
Where Legends roam the former Thunderdome
In the distance,
The canyon of the kings
Built by nature.
The aging tree rings.
Listen closely as the flyers soar.
Songs of battle, drums of war.
An esteemed history.
With competition rivalries grew.
Who will win? A modern mystery.
The kings return anew.
It’s King’s Canyon reopening day,
Let’s all cheer as Legends slay!”
Transition Only a Mum.png

Season 14.svg Only a Mum
BP Level 89
I put ma hand on her shoulder. Mara’s lookin’ a wee pale. I cannae blame her for bein’ a tad overwhelmed, it's her first time in the Games after all. She misses her mum, that one, and Wally’s not helping. I’ll bet he’s still carrying that guilt from endangering all those kids when Maggie crashed his party, and Mara’s so young. He’s got himself all worked up because he doesn’t want her to get hurt. He’ll realize how crabbit he’s bein’ soon enough.

Fer now, I’ll look out fer her, and I’ll make sure she’s safe. I ken how painful it must be for her mum to be stuck in one place, unable to watch over her wee one. What she did to be put in there, I dinnae ken, but there’s no doubt a mum’ll do anything to protect her child–even if it means crossin’ a line ye maybe shouldn’t. I understand that more than anyone . . .
Transition An Adequate Reflection.png

Season 14.svg An Adequate Reflection
BP Level 98
Hi Ms. Nguyen. You told me to write a reflection on why it was wrong to punch Raphael in the face. It’s because of some weird girl Raphael and I met on the bus a few weeks ago. The way she smelled and talked was odd, and she argued with the driver about her bat. I asked why she’d brought it. Apparently it was her first time on a bus, and she needed her bat since she was going to the Apex Games qualifiers. She’s only 18!

Raphael didn’t believe she’d make it into the Games, so we made a bet: if Weird Girl shows up in the Games, I get his rare Gibraltar trading card. And guess what? She showed up! But Raphael wouldn’t give me his card, so I punched him.
I see now it was wrong since Raphael didn’t know what would happen if he goes back on his word, but now he does.
You should know, we made a new bet: if Weird Girl gets her mom out of jail, Raphael gives me his shiny Ash card…or else.