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ConceptArt Robin Lhebrard Suotamo.jpg
Suotamo, Gaea's largest city.
Location Prime System, The Outlands
Administration Syndicate Alliance of Free Worlds
Demonym Gaean

Gaea is a planet in the Outlands. It is the location of Storm Point and E-District, and the home planet of Caustic, Crypto, Rampart, and Ballistic.


Gaea is the fourth planet from the sun in the Prime System, placing it in the same system as Solace, Talos, and Psamathe.[1] The planet has a warm climate, and is covered in jungles, tropics, and fertile farmland. Its economy is largely dependent on these farmlands, and it boasts a large population because of it. Gaea's famously tyrannical government maintains a massive surveillance network across its cities, apparently inspired by Angel City in Angelia.[2] Along with Psamathe, Gaea is one of two planets in Syndicate Space to maintain its own police force, the Gaea Global Task Force.[3]


Like the rest of the Outlands, Gaea was discovered and settled in the 2300s. The IMC constructed storm catchers in the tropical areas to calm storms and generate power for nearby cities, but these were not enough to keep up with demand. Gaea was hit particularly hard by the energy crisis in 2655, and without ways to power farming equipment, crops started dying en masse. The discovery of branthium in 2658 ended the crisis, but Gaea's government became stricter and more tyrannical in the hopes of better controlling and protecting the valuable farmland.[2] Following the departure of the IMC in 2715, Gaea fought against nearby planets in the Outlands Civil War, primarily Solace[4]; after the war ended in 2723, Gaea became one of six planets to sign the Mercenary Syndicate Treaty, making them a member of Syndicate Space. In this treaty, they negotiated to keep a degree of autonomy, allowing them to retain their own government and police force. [3]


  • Suotamo - One of the largest cities in the Outlands. Known for its resemblance to Angel City, including a similar angel statue.[2] It contains at least two district, Old Town and Electro. Ticacek Orphanage is located here and is where Crypto grew up.
    • E-District - an island district of Suotamo, known for its luxurious resorts, hotels, and escapes. After the city experienced a severe power shortage due to the storm on Storm Point, and riots for remaining power flared all over the city, the Mercenary Syndicate eventually restored its power and cleaned the city from vandalism. The Syndicate turned the lively night district into the Apex Games' newest arena.
  • New Antillia - a gorgeous tropical archipelago made up of multiple micro-islands, home to pristine beaches and exotic wildlife. Most of the islands serves as resorts, but some places are off limits to public.
    • Storm Point - A long-forgotten IMC research base located on a tropical island teeming with dangerous wildlife, off-limits to the public; now a stage for the Apex Games. Storm Point was additionally the crash site of the IMS Hestia 01, which Bangalore and Jackson served on. [5]
    • Habitat 4 - One of the smallest islands in the chain, best known as a Leviathan breeding ground with a large population of local Leviathans. Name designated by Early IMC research groups.
    • Tribulation Isle - An area off-limits to the public.
    • Hana Beach - Another area off-limits to the public.
  • Amelia Mountain Range - Wild jungle area which is home to the Carthage spiders, a Mammoth-class arachnid that releases an extremely toxic gas when in danger or hunting.
  • Styx - A jungle where mammoth-class arachnids reside.
  • Zaldana City - Former home of Humbert Labs, where Alexander Nox was supposedly found dead.
  • Hollygrove - Caustic's birthplace.



  • Gaea is the first planet to host two battle royale maps.


  1. Maps found in the museum in Monument, World's Edge
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 8 - "Haves and Have-Nots"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 9 - "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
  4. Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 6 - "Mirage, My Best Friend!"
  5. Stories from the Outlands - Gridiron