Transition/Season 16

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Transition Description
Transition The Modder's Corner.png

Season 16.svg The Modder's Corner
BP Level 01
Recently, the mod community has been abuzz with some explosive news: the premiere of The Sisters’ wares in the Apex Games. Headed by their leader “Big Sister,” this modding group previously only operated underground and were well-known for bringing brutally fun concepts to the modding scene. Their transformation into a licensed business comes with the release of the Nemesis AR. Initially, the weapon appears bulky in form, but ergonomics were most certainly taken into account as it feels incredibly solid and comfortable to hold. While the weapon boasts many other impressive features, its ability to ramp up from burst fire into full auto is a satisfying mechanism that offers an increased sense of control.

This powerful and unique gun will be making its debut in the Apex Games. Notably, famed modder and Apex Legend Ramya “Rampart” Parekh, owner of Rampart Mods, got her start working under Big Sister. However, it has been nearly a year since Parekh has refreshed her inventory, so perhaps her former mentors will give the modding community something new to be excited about.

By Aristeidis Terzeas
Transition Important Secret Intel.png

Season 16.svg Important Secret Intel
BP Level 13

Got some of that super secret intel you wanted, pops. Something’s up with Maggie and Lifeline. They’re all buddy-buddy and I don’t like it. They keep whispering to each other like amigas even though Maggie is the worst. She’s kind of a bad friend to Lifeline. Also, she makes all these jokes that Lifeline laughs at, but the jokes suck. Maggie never laughs at my jokes, so her sense of humor must be broken. Or maybe I’m too fast for her (I’m kidding… I KNOW I’m too fast for her.) That’s another thing– she thinks she’s so extreme but I’ve done way crazier stuff. I don’t know what Lifeline is doing and I don’t get why they’re working together. I think they’re just trying to make me jealous, but I’m totally not. Okay, that’s it for now from your #1 spy.
Transition S.A.R.A.S. Fan Mail.png

Season 16.svg S.A.R.A.S. Fan Mail
BP Level 45
ATTN: Makoa Gibraltar

Dear Mr. Gibraltar,

My name is Hannah and I am four years old and three quarters. You are my favorite Legend and you saved my life when the transport ship me and Auntie were on hit a flyer and it went BOOM. It was scary and I can swim good but I got tired and couldn’t swim to Auntie or anyone else. Then you came to S.A.R.A.S. us and got us out of the water. You said you didn’t bring your bathing suit for swimming– That was funny, do you remember? I was so excited when you pulled me up out of the water and you are my favorite Legend.

Next time could you save me but with your Dome Shield? Maybe turn it upside down and make it a boat. I would like to see it and also do you remember on the S.A.R.A.S. ship I asked if you and me could drop from up high like in the Games? You said yes when I’m older and I’m almost five so we could do it then. And also you could slam down and make a castle like my other favorite Legend.

Thank you for saving me and also I love you,
*Dictated but not read.
Transition Research Report - Subject Cross.png

Season 16.svg Research Report - Subject_Cross
BP Level 86
Incorpus Callosum Signal Connectivity: 99%

Confirmed terminations in the last year: 297

Preventability Rating: 77.86%

Review: Given Subject’s profile (including past and predictive performance analysis, ability application, range, all sensory inputs), a significant percentage of Subject’s terminations were deemed preventable. Further, data indicates Subject actively halted countermeasures in nearly all of these instances. The most probable reason is Subject’s unrestricted recall, which includes troublesome variables like all previous terminations leading to a sort of “existential despair.”

Our teams have already begun to integrate these findings into our predictive models, but it is our strong recommendation that we begin research into the Organic Storage Elasticity Project immediately.
Transition 1000 Impossible Ideas.png

Season 16.svg 1000 Impossible Ideas
BP Level 98
A_Post>> Did you hear? Daddy’s Boy crashed the anniversary planning committee meeting and pitched like 1000 impossible ideas. And Bettelstrem was nodding along as if we’re gonna make them happen!

M_Hill>> Course he did. Bettelstrem wants to be a Silva SO BAD. What were O’s ideas?

A_Post>> Dude. He wants us to train 100 flyers to do a synchronized dance to a Flyer Liars song.

M_Hill>> What?! Flyers are WILD ANIMALS. We can barely keep them from stealing streamers and romancing the balloons!

A_Post>> Then we’ve got to build a huge water slide that is a jump onto ANOTHER water slide that loops back to the first water slide. Infinite water slide. I swear the Silvas don’t understand that people can die.

M_Hill>> What do they put in that stim and can I have some?

A_Post>> Yeah it’s called “nepotism.”

M_Hill>> LOL.

A_Post>> The ONLY good idea he had was making sure the Caustic-shaped balloon isn’t full of toxic gas.

M_Hill>> I wanted to laugh at that but I just shuddered. Have we checked?

A_Post>> Funny you should ask. You missed the meeting so you have to check!

M_Hill>> Not funny.

A_Post>> Not asking. Off you go!
Transition Year 4 Anniversary - miyann.png

4th Anniversary Collection Event Year 4 Anniversary - _miyann
4th Anniversary prize track
Created by _miyann in celebration of the Apex Legends Fourth Anniversary. Thank you, and cheers to many more!
Transition Year 4 Anniversary - GOrlassar.png

4th Anniversary Collection Event Year 4 Anniversary - GOrlassar
4th Anniversary prize track
Created by GOrlassar in celebration of the Apex Legends Fourth Anniversary. Thank you, and cheers to many more!