Transition/Season 5

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These take place after "Legacy of a Thief" and the Fortune's Favor Launch Trailer. They are followed by "The Broken Ghost" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Kings Canyon MU2.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Kings Canyon - Fortune's Favor
Free on login
Remember we got caught in the cage? You took all the blame, and when I asked why, you whispered in my ear: 'For you.' And right there in the 'dome, you kissed me. And now the 'dome is gone. Like it was never here. I didn't think it was possible to turn around, and find something you love isn't there anymore. You'd think I'd have learned at least that by now. But I'm thick in the head, as you used to say. And when the time came for me to step up? Do something for you? I chose wrong. And I'll regret that decision until the day I die. The accident's behind you now. I get that. But in case you heard about Kings Canyon, and your life flashed before your eyes like mine? I wanted you to know: You're still here, Nik. At my side. In my heart. In my ear. On the tip of my tongue. And you always will be. Hope to hear back. Understand if I don't. I hope you and Michael are well, and I pray you found peace, Nik. That, above all else, is what matters the most. All my love, Makoa
Transition Mean Girls.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Mean Girls
BP Level 04
(1/3) You want my opinion of the FNG? I'm fresh out of those. Got some facts though. What... you think just ‘cause I've only known her a day, that I don't know this girl? Trust me. I have four brothers. I. KNOW. THIS. GIRL. Slinks in through a crack in the wall, talks their two-faced way in and out of anything. Half of her's always in shadow, no matter how well lit the room is. "Gee, was that light red, Officer? Gosh, the sun was in my eyes..." First she blows Revenant to kingdom come, then barks orders at us. I did what I had to do: I detained the target. Even with my Peacekeeper at her head, she says she can "explain everything". I'm sure she can. Then I got Mirage saying "go easy on her". Men. If they had half a brain, they'd be considered gifted. The dropships arrive. The Syndicate rep with a platoon of Spectres on one side. Hammond's head legal eagle with her entourage on the other. Bat those lashes at someone who actually cares. ‘Cause it ain't those men made of metal, it ain't the mercs whose island you just blew up, and it sure as shinola ain't me. You think I'm going to help you up? It'll be a cold day in Hell before I ever help a common criminal like you...
Transition Qualified.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Qualified
BP Level 09
(2/3) I'd debrief the reps on what went down, but Syndicate Boy says it's not necessary, and... helps the perp up?! He calls her "Ms. Andrade", treats her like royalty, he even apologizes. HE APOLOGIZES TO THE LUNATIC WHO JUST BLEW UP HIS ISLAND. Corset's speaking a mix of a few languages, to confuse things. I ask Octane to translate what he could. He says she's a jewel thief. An underground celebrity. As she attempts to sweet-talk him, she smiles and purrs and touches his arm. The woman from Hammond says Corset's lying. Finally. Some much-needed estrogen. She asks her assistant for a file, and reads from it. Turns out Eye Shadow's family was murdered. She wants revenge. This part is true. You can tell from the fury in her eyes. Eyelashes slams the file shut, as Octane translates. She wants to know how Hammond knows this. They speak in whispers, while File Girl keeps looking at me and Octane. Hammond's doing their homework. Wonder why? Hammond addresses us Legends, announces Loba Andrade as the newest Apex Legend. THE HELL SHE IS! I realize I just said that out loud. All eyes are on me now. You only got time to chamber a single round, Anita. Get it right...
Transition A Declaration of War.png

Season 5 Icon.svg A Declaration of War
BP Level 17
(3/3) I respect authority, but I'll be damned if this laced-up pair of thigh-highs is rewarded for an act of terrorism. It took our blood, sweat and tears to get here. She commits crimes, bats her baby browns, and now she's in the Games?! I expected this from Syndicate Boy and both of his heads, but woman to woman, I expected more from Hammond. Loba's smirking, and I want to slap it off her face so hard her teeth'll land on Talos. Hammond explains Ms. Andrade has a loyal cult following, and watching her exact revenge is ratings gold. If I have a problem with Loba, I'm free to express that during our matches... as violently as I want. I can feel the rage rushing to my face, as Loba and her grin approach. She says we got off on the wrong foot. May the best woman win. She holds out her well-manicured hand, and if she thinks I'm touching that thing, she's crazier than I thought. I walk away, past Octane, who's been cornered by File Girl. He's saying something about being thirsty, but I don't pay attention until File Girl pulls Loba aside, says her name's Yoko. Her boss knows what Loba's really after. And they can make a deal. That's when I realize the battle may be over, but the war's just begun. This is my house. My rules. And my new mission is clear: send Loba Andrade back under the rock she crawled out from...
Transition Sleep with the Fishes.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Sleep with the Fishes
BP Level 34
(1/2) Here's a fun fact: if you think you're dying, it can kill you. It's true. If that squishy sack of meat you call a brain is so convinced of it, you can die of shock, even if the rest of you is shambling along just fine. I "drowned" like that once: my brain telling me a skinsuit can't survive underwater that long, and my organs freezing up, paralyzed in fear. Organs I didn't really have anymore. Still felt it, though. Lucky me. I know better now. This time when I wake up at the bottom of a lake, I'm just wet and pissed off. There's a lot of "me"s down here – copies of my body, most of ‘em crushed under rubble and lizard bones. Right – Skull Town took a tumble, and I guess there was a whole factory full of me under it. I've found spares in weirder places, usually when I wake up in one. But how the hell did I get down here? ... Heh. Right. The girlie shot me.
Transition Like Father Like Daughter.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Like Father, Like Daughter
BP Level 41
(2/2) Yeah, I remember her. Took a minute – I have a lot of footage to sort through up here. So many targets. But she's got dear old daddy's eyes. Had a good look at ‘em when I snapped his neck and dropped him ten stories. And when you're mostly a computer, you can do a nice side-by-side comparison. She's not the first to come looking for revenge. I've had plenty of skinsuits throw their lives away "avenging" their precious loved ones. Oh, they try, their voices cracking and hands shaking while they hold a gun on me and rattle off their whole pathetic life story. Make a corpse, and you'll get some flies. They're all easy to crush. ‘Course, most of ‘em don't destroy half an island trying to get to me. Only a couple of ‘em knew about my spares, and none of ‘em ever made me slide into one. She's a fragile little fly, just like the others. I'll pull her wings off eventually. But for a day or two? This could be... interesting.
Transition It Takes a Liar.png

Season 5 Icon.svg It Takes a Liar
BP Level 49
You can only trust those who you know are liars. I used to think differently back when I was working as a simple computer engineer. A straight-edge job with no bumps - I would go in, do what I was asked, and leave. I rarely doubted the loyalty of those who worked alongside me, I didn't really care, until the contract came in... a service order from: Q.W. Initials. That's all I know of the person who took my life away from me. And that is why I am here now. That is why I did what I did to get into the Games. But my skill is why they let me remain, and it appears the same is true for you, Loba. Joh wah. So tell me, one liar to another, what brings you here?
Transition Felagi Fighters.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Felagi Fighters
BP Level 57
The strength it must taka for a child without their kin to survive alone is mighty. This tale is fylla with sights of mitt own. I am not without a minute absent the thoughts of Johann and Brigida, no matter how small. There are many trials one must face throughout their journey to valhalla's end. I can see it in your eyes that you, Andrade fighter, have the courage to slatra the veikr and climb to your rightful place over those who wronged you. It would be an honor to fight alongside someone with the passion of fire that burns a thousand suns. Demonio is your path, mine is my own, and only in battle are we tested. We may look different, we may be different, but with bloth and sand, we are the same. I welcome you to the fight. Shall we meet again.
Transition Stalking Prey.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Stalking Prey
BP Level 65
(1/2) When you're after a big prize, you don't just walk in and take it. First, you have to do the legwork. I can't say I was pleased with how deep Jamie dug into my past – a lady deserves her privacy, and her secrets. But I can't argue with results. He found out so much about this – thing. This demonio that took all I ever loved from me. Not enough, and a lot of it made no sense, but it was enough to get started. So, I followed the demonio to Talos. I stayed hidden, watching his every step. He's worse than I remembered – somehow. He uses some dark power to change others into his shadowy slaves, and all the little friends he's made are happy to oblige him. I kept watch. I followed the leads Jamie dug up. I made a plan, then I made my move. It isn't easy. I just make it look that way.
Transition Take It In Stride.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Take It In Stride
BP Level 73
(2/2) Unfortunately, some jobs don't go according to plan. I was... careless. Too attached. I found what I was looking for, but in the heat of the moment, I didn't think about extra security. By the time I realized what I'd done, the prize was gone, and my hard work went with it. But Loba Andrade doesn't run with her tail between her legs. I've been invited to join the Games. I must admit, since I've been here, I've noticed some lovely treasures just waiting to be snatched. Destroying the demonio one pile of scrap at a time isn't practical, but it will feel good. And I just received a very interesting proposition...
Transition Arms Race.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Arms Race
BP Level 84
Okay. Okay. Seriously? You think I couldn't take down Skull Town? I mean, it's a skull already - it's practically half dead. I just chose not to because I'm considerate. It's a nice place and I didn't want to ruin Kings Canyon, but now she's got all the attention. Everyone is all up-and-arms... or is it up-in-arms? Up-or-arms? Hm... What's the saying? Let's figure this out: if I'm "up-and-arms" that means I am standing up AND my arms are up. Right? That makes total sense. "Up-in-arms" means that I am up and... inside an arm? That can't be right. Unless... Hm. Let's take a seat, this might take awhile. Can I get you a drink, Ms. Stone? I mean this is my bar, after all - The Paradise Lounge. The Witt family has owned this place since the ‘55 crisis, so I don't really have to pay for it. No? Cool, so where were we? Something about arms? Oh yeah, I could have totally destroyed Skull Town with just one arm. And you can quote me on that.
Transition Lost Treasures.png

Season 5 Icon.svg Lost Treasures
Lost Treasures prize track