Transition/Season 7

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These take place after "Promise" and the Ascension Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "Family Portrait" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Gossip Boy.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Gossip Boy
BP Level 55
Greetings, Chico-dees! Chico Sawtelle here, with the latest Apex gossip. Last week, we reported on the mega-blowup between Wraith and Mirage... hot off the cold shoulder roommate Rampart was giving him, which crushed my Ram-rage loving heart. (And before you come at me, age is just a number, true love knows no bounds, and let’s face it... he’s 30 going on 21 anyway, mm’kay? Mm-kay.) Well, this morning I hear Elliott is mending fences and turning over new leaves. He gifted Rammy-Ram a set of wrenches (whatever floats your boat, sweetie), and he gave Wraith a... birthday?! (Girlfriend didn’t already have one?!) Now he’s back in the good graces of both ladies, so let the shipping wars begin! (Here’s hoping that inner bad boy returns because “Adulting Witt” is très lame. Sorry, but I prefer the black sheeps of the family instead. Which reminds me: if you’re reading this, Cray, Mom is worried sick! Turn yourself in!) Tomorrow, the full scoop on Cutie Crypto and Nattie... will they ever reunite...?!
Transition Me, Myself & Regret.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Me, Myself & Regret
BP Level 60
HORIZON: Ah, Dr. Reid is it? Nice to meet ya, darlin’. Have a seat.
“DR. REID”: Oh, hiii. I’m a big, fat bloody liar who’ll eat your secret recipe scones then leave you to die in space.
HORIZON: I must say, this resume of yours is mighty impressive. A degree in Deception, a masters in Double-Crossing. Any chance, dear, you’ve a doctorate in refining all that branthium ya stole from me? You’re gonna need it.
“DR. REID”: Uhhh, no. But I got my First Aid training...
HORIZON: Ah, I see that here. Must come in handy patching up loved ones after you stab them in the back? You have references?
“DR. REID”: Oh yes. First one’s the devil, second’s a flesh eating disease, and I imagine the third one’s just me doing a funny voice because have I mentioned I’m a bloody liar?
HORIZON: Lovely. Well, I dinnae see why you widnae be a great, unregrettable hire. Now go boil your head in a pot of stew, and we’ll be in touch.
Transition A Change in Character.png

Season 7 Icon.svg A Change in Character?
BP Level 65
Witt is on his hands and knees, cheek to the ground. Against my better judgment, I ask what he’s doing. Mirage says this floating city is a masterpiece; its whirs and purrs are an inspiration to him. Right. He’s an idiot, but he’s still an engineer. He offers his hand, says he owes me an apology. Hmm. I’d heard rumors he’d turned over a “new leaf”. Not entirely sure I trust it. He asks me to listen with him. “Genius to genius.”
Curiosity gets the better of me. Not there, he says. Here. I cross to where he’s pointing, press my cheek to the metal floor. I hear nothing...but my face is stuck. An invisible adhesive. “PSYCH!” he exclaims. Witt places a foot on me and snaps a photo as he tells me not to worry. The adhesive will wear off in a few minutes. I ask about his supposed “new leaf”. I watch his boots walk away as he high-fives a dupe. “I’m growing as a person,” he chuckles, “but I’m still me, old man...”
Transition The Peck Foundation.png

Season 7 Icon.svg The Peck Foundation
BP Level 65
History of the Outlands—Excerpt from Chapter 4: The Peck Foundation
In 2640, billionaire humanitarian Lillian Peck built Olympus, a city in the sky, where people of all socio-economic backgrounds could work and learn together. It excelled in areas of science, mathematics, music, literature, and the arts. Olympus produced a number of breakthroughs for the Outlands including developments in eco-friendly Jump Drives for short-distance vessels, a Phase Technology for immediate transportation called the Phase Runner, and drone technology for health and security systems. All were welcome, hoping to usher in a Golden Era for the Outlands, but instead, these researchers made a troubling discovery: all energy resources throughout the Outlands were on a rapid decrease - in less than twenty years, they would be non-existent.
Transition “Pas Me Dat Suga” Cookies.png

Season 7 Icon.svg “Pas Me Dat Suga” Cookies
BP Level 70
When I was a bitty thing, da made cookies with me. He and ma were always busy, but now and again we’d march down to the kitchens, shoo off the cooks and make a batch or two. On Olympus we got fancy ingredients picked right outta the gardens. When things looked down in the Corps, I made ‘em again. Now I can get all the fancy chocolate and sugar Psamathe’s got – but it just doesn’t taste the same.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix 3.5 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 tbsp baking soda, and 1 tsp salt with a fork in a large clean bowl, bucket or helmet. In another, cream 2 sticks of softened butter, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 cup light brown sugar, and 1 tsp vanilla extract with a fork. Listen to yuh favorite song - mixes better when yuh got a jam in yuh! Add 2 large eggs, mixing after each egg. Gradually beat in flour mixture until it’s uniform. Add 2 cups chocolate chips. Bake balls of dough on ungreased baking sheets for 9-11 minutes until golden brown, then serve ‘em up. Ah, and ‘member, put plenty of love in ‘em. That’s what makes ‘em the best.
Transition Legal Eagles.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Legal Eagles
BP Level 73
Ms. Parekh -
Attached is the final contract for your perusal.
We added the “Emotional Damages” clause, which includes the storefront you requested to open the second location of Rampart Mods on Olympus, as well as the safe return of all personal belongings retrieved from the Paradise Lounge on Solace last month. In return, Rampart Mods agrees to drop the civil suit against Hammond Engineering, and modify the Trident to our specifications in time for the new season.
We also reviewed your request to move Mr. Witt’s locker room to... and I quote your eloquence... “any bloody barn full of cowpies”. Unfortunately, finding “cowpies” on a floating city proved difficult, but we did find a compost heap that will be transferred to Mr. Witt’s quarters on the Drop Ship immediately. We hope this will suffice.
And on a personal note, Ms. Parekh, it’s hard to believe you’re only twenty-one. In all my years practicing law, nobody has proven to be such a challenge in negotiations. It was lovely to have met my match. May our paths never cross again.
All due respect, Cheryl Amacci, Chief Legal Officer, Hammond Engineering
Transition History's Rift.png

Season 7 Icon.svg History's Rift
BP Level 75
WALDORF: “This is The Talkin’ Legends Podcast with Norma and Waldorf and we’re talkin’ Olympus. Now, wasn’t that place supposed to bring the Outlands into a golden age? Instead we got the slaughter at Tenmei, weird experiments by the IMC, and then there’s that dangerous bubble-rift thing.”
NORMA: “You know, the rift was actually created back in the late 2650s. Some friends of mine have convincing evidence that it’s connected to the energy—
WALDORF: “Oh here we go with the energy crisis again. That never happened.”
NORMA: “Classic ignorance. It doesn’t matter unless it affects you. But, the truth is it would have if it wasn’t stopped. And I’ve heard that the rift is part of what happened. We’ve got to understand and learn from our history—it’s the only way to avoid repeating it.”
WALDORF: “Sure. Sure, but I’ll tell you what’s history... the Forge Museum on Gaea has filed for bankruptcy. Guess people just don’t care about that guy anymore. More on that after these messages.”
Transition Timetravel is Money.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Timetravel is Money
BP Level 81
Dear Ms. Tobin,
Thank you kindly for the generous offer, but after a wee brush with an unreliable co-worker, I’ve decided to strike out on my own. Be a way off yet ‘til I rely on others -- including your prestigious company -- for my income.
Though, I’ll admit, it’s hard saying no to your additional offer of Hammond’s fine resources for my time travel research. But I decided I’m quite happy getting what I need with my Apex winnings. You’d be awful surprised what a bloodsport pays!
Finally, thank you dear for your condolences on my son, but keep the heid. It’s just a wee interlude keeping us apart. I’ll have him in my arms soon enough.
Take care,
Dr. Mary Somers
Transition Project Marathon.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Project Marathon
BP Level 88
DAY 267 – TEST 11348
NOTES: Subject was introduced to Phase Runner Prototype Delta at local time 14:30:00. Subsequent readings were consistent with mathematical projections that impact would occur on the Frontier planet Troy. Coordinate readings from the integrated beacon were recorded successfully, and indicate a spatial displacement equal to the distance between Psamathe and Troy.
Subject 11348 is thus far the largest subject by volume to successfully make landfall at the targeted destination. This suggests that the mass of an object affects its trajectory even within the alternate plane. Additional research into this phenomenon will be required.
Transition Crisis To Avert.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Crisis To Avert
BP Level 94
They all looked at me with blank stares as if I said some nonsense like: “Well, that’s only if X equals the temperature of the negative space, NOT the specimen itself.” Yes, my old friend, I still use that joke to get out of conversations with wannabe scientists now and again—they never know how to answer and just agree. But, unfortunately, this wasn’t a joke... This energy crisis is real. Aleki’s researchers on Olympus have shown me almost too many scenarios that all end in disaster by 2699. The Outlands weren’t built for long-term, it was just exploration until the IMC returned, but those years turned into centuries and now we’re paying the price. I’ve got another presentation to other benefactors coming up and could use your help. Bring your whole family, bring Reid (you’re gonna need that assistant). It’ll be just like old times. Plus, I’d love to see my little Newton again—I am his godmother after all. Hope I can count on you, and if it doesn’t work, we may have to do this thing ourselves...
Love you, dear.
Transition Fight Night.png

Season 7 Icon.svg Fight Night
Fight Night prize track
Transition A Matter of Time.png

Season 7 Icon.svg A Matter of Time
Activate all 4 of Horizon's logs on Olympus
Dear Dr. Mary Somers,
You don’t know what it meant to me to hear his voice again. Well, that was daft… Of course you know what it meant.
I dinnae know what I can say to you that you don’t already know, but maybe some things have faded with time. For that, I can offer a wee refresher…
I had so much doubt. I’ve been goin’ full tilt for so long—solving an energy crisis, escaping a black hole, fighting my way to the Apex Games—that doubt rarely had time to seed. Being a bloody genius doesn’t hurt much either.
But I felt it not but a week ago. What if I don’t make it back?
Then I heard your message—and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. But you knew that too, didn’t you?
I hope to do you and him proud, you brilliant lassie. Til we meet again.
Dr. Mary Somers.