Transition/Season 8

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These take place after "Good as Gold" and the Mayhem Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "Armageddon" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Insert Mourning Here.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Insert Mourning Here
BP Level 04
Walter Fitzroy, better known as “Fuse,” died [insert date here] due to [insert cause of death here]. He was [insert age here].
Fitzroy, previously a mercenary, stunned all of Salvo when he qualified for the bloodsport Bonecage at the age of 51--the oldest person ever to compete.
Despite early scepticism [alt: ridicule? mockery?--Ed.], the explosives expert made history with the longest win-streak in Bonecage history: 21 matches, demolishing the previous record by 13 and garnering hordes of fans.
Fitzroy courted controversy, however, joining the Apex Games as Salvo joined Syndicate Space in 2734. [Details of exploits here, maybe a quote from the Legend with the hair? Or the cute one with the face?--Ed.]
He didn’t miss a step, bringing his explosive fighting style and irrepressible swagger to the Games. Unfortunately, his swagger cost him his life when [insert cause of death here--tone down the gore--Ed.].
Walter Fitzroy is survived by [look for anyone close to him--if no one, cut this and end on quote about about peace/rest from an important Salvonian, if one exists haha--Ed.].
Transition Tickets, Please.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Tickets, Please
BP Level 07
WALDORF: “This is the Talkin’ Legends Podcast with Norma and Waldorf and we’re talkin’ Salvo Inauguration Ceremony happening this weekend at Kings Canyon. And mysteries abound!”
NORMA: “That’s right. There’s Salvo, the first Fringe World ever to join the Syndicate. There’s Fuse, making his debut at the ceremony--”
WALDORF: “Which is going to be an historically epic party, so the REAL mystery is why the #1 Apex Legends Podcast--us--still don’t have tickets to the Ceremony! Any theories, Norma?”
NORMA: “Other than “they’ve been sold out for months”? If I had to guess, I’d say it’s your non-stop badgering of Mirage on social media last week.”
WALDORF: “Doesn’t ring a bell. I think there’s more at play here...”
NORMA: “There really isn’t. Here, straight from Mirage’s feed: “For the last time, @D0RF_L3G3NDZ, I can’t get you tickets. I can, however, get you BANNED-BOOZLED! Not my best work, but that’s on you. Won’t see ya there! Luv, Elliott ;)”
WALDORF: “Norma! You promised you wouldn’t--Er, anyway. We’ll hear more about Salvo and Fuse after these messages from our sponsors.”
Transition Strong-Arming.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Strong-Arming
BP Level 24
I know yuh a sane man – a rational man. And we both know a bald-faced marketing scheme when we see it, so no use mincin’ words: we got a bunch of warmongers joinin’ the union and it’s yuh job to pretty it up. Fine. Is what it is.
But yuh bosses just made life harder for me and mine. Salvo’s got no love for the Frontier Corps, and we both know their weapons are gonna start makin’ the rounds twice as fast now they’re legal trade. Lotta folk out there got it hard enough – throw in a rocket launcher that levels an outpost with a sneeze and every squabble ‘tween neighbors could turn deadly.
Know for a fact the president of the Frontier Corps is ready to make a statement. Figure it’d look good for yuh if she talks up all the support the Syndicate’s givin’ the Corps. They’re stretched too thin as it is, and they’re about to get stretched a lot thinner. We both know it’s the least yuh could do.
Ajay “Lifeline” Che
Transition The Freedom of Salvo.png

Season 8 Icon.svg The Freedom of Salvo
BP Level 55
Margaret Kōhere, Year 7
I love Salvo. Salvo is the best place to live and everyone wishes they lived here. That’s why they keep coming here and telling us how to live. RIP. Some eggs came by our place last winter saying they wanted to bring peace to our land. Uncle Tama grabbed his rocket lawncher so fast you shoulda seen them run. He’s a real crack up! Me and Wally laughed so hard we changed our pants twice.
In concluzion, all they want is our choice weapons. They say they want peace but they all want power. Good luck getting it from Warlord Jack. Can’t wait til I get older cuz I’m gonna be the one to tell them where to stick it. The End.
Also, when can me and Wally sit next to each other in class again? We won’t talk and we already gave you most of our knives.
Transition Chaos & Love (Ode to Boone).png

Season 8 Icon.svg Chaos & Love (Ode to Boone)
BP Level 65
Chaos & love lie side by side.
One: rikr destruction. And the other: pride.
To the end of days, I carry this weight
To save you from your heimskr fate.
On bjarg of the canyon, I reminisce
The dawn we met, by dusk...we kiss…
But winter falls, the heart’s astray.
Never us together. Never “He and They.”
“He” made his choice, expelled from this land.
“They” remained for “he” in the bloth and the sand.
I spoke my far vel. My wrath. My pain.
I killed the osedur, for the good in your name.
Boone. To thee my first heart is bound.
With Chaos & Love, Odin’s Munin, I’m found.
Transition No Guts, No Glory.png

Season 8 Icon.svg No Guts, No Glory
BP Level 73
Back on Salvo, when I was just a welp with two arms, two eyes, and zero clue, my merc group got hired by a dairy farmer to bash some meatheads he thought were killin’ his livestock at night until he paid up.
So we watched the fields, eatin’ the farmer’s cheese when a bloody massive momma Prowler is on us. She’d been the one wreckin’ the farmer’s lives, and she set to wreckin’ ours by swallowin’ my best mate. So I dove in after her.
I was neck-deep in her neck when I realized I didn’t have a plan to get us out. With classic timing, that farmer’s cheese turned over in my guts, and it came to me. I pulled the pins off every gas grenade we had. The momma ripped a huge belch, pal and me go flyin’, and the Momma barreled off, gas comin’ out both ends.
The farmers tried to pay us in cheese, but I nearly had a spew. So they gave me a guitar instead. And that’s the story of my first six-string.
Transition One Up, One Down.png

Season 8 Icon.svg One Up, One Down
BP Level 81
That cruiser class Essex warship is a sight. Reminds me of when Jackson and I were boots back on Gridiron. I would’ve skated through basic if it wasn’t for him. He wouldn’t let the prank war rest, so neither could I. He dyed my fatigues pink, I glued his boots to the barracks floor. He covered my helmet in seeds so that birds dive bombed me, I soaked his pants in Prowler pheromones, which--well, I don’t get into that.
Wasn’t until I went on the offensive and put laxative in his rations, only to have our commanding officer accidentally eat ‘em. Turned her inside out for two days. We got the stick for that; had to scrub an Essex from stem to stern with our toothbrushes.
Seeing that cruiser get hurts. Someone cleaned her. Someone like Jackson.
There’s no one like Jackson.
Heh. We all know this “Maggie” is responsible for crashing that Essex, but Mirage’ll spread some blame on the IMC for making that ship. Wonder if I’ve got any of that Prowler pheromone stowed away somewhere...
Transition Tea for Two.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Tea for Two
BP Level 86
Dearest Eduardo -
We missed you at the gala… though perhaps you were the smart one for not attending. How long has it been anyway? Since before the amputation, I think? How you keep up with that boy, at your age, I’ll never know. But on to less embarrassing topics…
As of yesterday, Warlord Sandringham Kelly of the Fringe World Salvo has become Supreme Warlord Kelly of the Syndicate Planet Salvo... and that is good news indeed. You must meet the man. He is… unique. A hidden treasure, much like the profit margins on his munitions. But stay away from his detractors. Especially this “Mad Maggie”. That one makes Ajay look like a saint… though her ambitions were impressive. For a Salvonian, I mean. Not that I judge.
Look at me, gossiping like I live in a henhouse. You’ve been so quiet lately. Have you picked up a new hobby? Does she have a name? Darion and I insist you tell us everything over tea. And who knows… maybe the Salvonians have a seat at the table for you too. Can you imagine? Ches and Silvas, working together? Won’t this be fun….
Awaiting your call,
Transition Full Potential.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Full Potential
BP Level 94
SKUD: Can we take a bloody break? My foot’s gettin’ tired.
MARR: Keep kickin’, ya mud-thumper.
BAG: If the Cracked Talon...finds out...Maggie will--!
MARR: Quit yer talkin’, kick-bag. UNF!
SKUD: I hear the Cracked Talon’s boss--Mad Maggie? She’s got ‘em doin’ all kinds of crazy [expletive].
MARR: Well our boss Kelly got us kickin’, so we kick.
SKUD: ...No.
MARR: What’s that, Skud?
SKUD: I’m gonna join the Cracked Talon.
BAG: ...You...wouldn’
SKUD: I’m goin’ where I can, ah, make big my full...ah, full...what’s the word?
BAG: Errgh...Potential? ribs...
SKUD: Yeah! Where I can make big my full “potential” for murderin’, explodin’, and stuff. You comin’?
MARR: ...Fine. But if we end up kickin’ for Mad Maggie…
SKUD: Alright! Up ya go, kick-bag. Sorry about the kickin’. It’s business, ay? Put in a good word for us?
BAG: You two are bloody scum. Heh. You’ll fit right in.
Transition Ship Happens.png

Season 8 Icon.svg Ship Happens
BP Level 99
See? See?! It can happen to anyone! At least when I, ah, “creatively landed” my ship, it wasn’t in the middle of King’s Canyon, like the Syndicate ship that crashed at that ceremony. Sure, mine crashed in a populated metropolitan area, but that city came out of nowhere!
And this just proves my bigger point: always buy new. After the Mirage Voyage crashed, I find out my mechanic put all these old IMC parts salvaged from busted old warships in her. If my girl had been all-IMC, like the ceremony ship, she probably would’ve crashed into a combination orphanage and petting zoo of rare animals. The fluffy kind. Tragic.
And before you start up with the “Ain’t the Paradise Lounge old”--NO. It’s “vintage.” There’s a difference. “Old” is bad. “Vintage” is good. And everything in here works just fine, no matter what Ramya says.
What was I talking about? Oh yeah, sorry about the ship, Wally. It happens to all of us at some point. Where was I? Oh yeah, another “coldie” comin’ up!