Transition/Season 11

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These take place after "Ashes to Ash" and the Escape Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "Trouble in Paradise" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Escape to Paradise!.png

Season 11.svg Escape to Paradise!
BP Level 02
Welcome to New Antillia – the most beautiful place since Harmony! Feast your eyes on a gorgeous tropical archipelago where all your cares can melt away under the year-long sun. Leave the big city or your local dive bar behind and experience a true paradise.
Made up of multiple microislands, New Antillia is home to pristine beaches, exotic wildlife, and all the good vibes you could ever want. Sail around this gorgeous island chain*, relax at one of our sun-soaked day spas, swim with gliders, or enjoy a fun-filled evening around a crackling beach campfire. Escape from your troubles and spend a day in bliss! After you see, hear, and feel it for yourself, you’ll never want to leave.
*Some locations, such as Tribulation Isle, Hana Beach and Storm Point are off-limits to the public. Please be advised that Warp Travel is not responsible for any damages or injuries sustained outside designated safe zones.
Transition HELL.png

Season 11.svg HELL
BP Level 08
Loops are hell. The same thoughts circling back around and around…
A blade tears through me. A Titan crushes me. My body breaks. I die… and the thoughts circle back around and around… A blade. A Titan. I’ve been tucked away all this time.
No one deserves this. I don’t deserve— I’M BETTER THAN THIS! I… what’s my name? What’s my— damnit! You’re strong. A weapon of will. A mercenary… a murderer…
Do I deserve this? I got— I did what needed to be done. Always. I’m a weapon of will. A mercenary. A—what’s my name? Blade. Titan. My body breaks… and the thoughts circle—
Transition Confounding Variables.png

Season 11.svg Confounding Variables
BP Level 18
Research Audio Log – Entry #47 (Transcript)
Uncovering further information regarding simulacrum programming is continuing to be a challenge. I suppose this isn’t a surprise. Its complexities have been kept quiet by those who have the means to manufacture such machines. Interestingly, Revenant’s recent arrival to the Games has proven to be most useful. I’ve borrowed Ms. Andrade’s research on the subject, though she is too absorbed in her own childish vendetta to realize it.
I am, of course, most interested in the risks of the transfer process on the mind. Most notable is that any damage to the Ego Retention System appears to have significant psychological consequences. Unlike the ignoramuses I am surrounded by, my mind is a fortress. There is no doubt that my brain could withstand such a shock at present. However, the inevitable memory loss from the transfer—whatever the extent—represents a confounding variable. I cannot accurately determine the soundness of my brain matter after the transformation is complete.
Live an eternity as a fool or slowly die a genius? Quite a dilemma.
Transition Her Mother's Child.png

Season 11.svg Her Mother's Child
BP Level 31
Me mam were a bonny wee one, NEWTIE. Bright ‘n’ wild ‘n’ quite short, she was. Not a mean bone in her delightfully slight body. She dinnae raise her voice, or her hand – aye, the only thing she raised was me, and she did it right.
But she dinnae live to see the Outlands teeter on the edge of absolute collapse. She dinnae watch helplessly as a trusted friend betrayed her, and left her fer dead at the edge of a black hole. She got ta raise her child… ta hold them in her arms each night, ta watch them grow tall – aye, taller than her, and oh so fast…No, she dinnae live in a galaxy where hate’s so easy, and a friendly smile’s such an effort.…
...The monster who took ma boy from me is back, NEWTIE. So the big question is, then: Am I like my mammy? Bright ‘n’ wild ‘n’ able to forgive? I want to be, aye, I try to be. Every day. But when I look in Ash’s cold, empty, killer’s eyes… and I see what she took from me? From him? For the first time in my life, my wee one… I hate.
I’m sorry, mammy… but I hate.
Transition A Poem for Ash.png

Season 11.svg A Poem for Ash
BP Level 42

>> Memory Log
>> Poem #19
>> My Best Girl Friend Ash
>>Oh, my best girl friend Ash
Who I happened to find in the trash
Your words are disarming,
Your actions alarming (in the good way, like a fire alarm!)
No one can beat your slice-dash
One time, you broke my heart (not literally, because I don’t have one)
But now we’ll have a fresh start!
Despite your gun’s sting
Welcome to the ring
My very talented best girl friend
Named Ash :)

Transition Subject Random Thoughts.png

Season 11.svg Subject: Random Thoughts
BP Level
[Recovered deleted message]
Subject: Random Thoughts
It’s weird seeing everyone so excited about a new place. I get it, but this locale holds some bad memories for me.
On the surface, this place looks like some island vacation spot, but all I see is a battlefield. Not just our battles, but the ones before and the ones to come. Makes me realize that the Outlands are getting worse. They’re crumbling. I’m fighting, but the war’s been over a long time. I need a change.
Maybe it’s time to get out of here. Maybe it’s time to go home. My real home. At this point, maybe Jackie is-
[Message Deleted]
Transition Recovered Message.png

Season 11.svg Recovered Message
BP Level 63
I’ve head out. Got a job.
The leaders have some expansion planned and they need a team to get parts. They kept telling us to snag more from the IMS Hestia, but we ran out of stuff to refurb years ago. You just can’t patch a patch with a holey patch, y’know?
So then they had this big idea to pull down one of the Stormcatchers “for resources”—I don’t think it’s a good idea. But, what do I know? I’m no scientist. I’m just a guy with a wrench. Anyway, we’re pulling it down tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes. Should be back before dinner.
- B
Transition Animals of the Outlands.png

Season 11.svg Animals of the Outlands
BP Level
Searching for the cure with Kairi was a reminder of one of my favorite things about the Outlands: the local wildlife. They’re wonderful. Gorgeous coats and patterns, powerful instincts, not an ounce of pretense . . . When you start to fall in love with one, another comes along and excites you. You start to notice their quirks, desires… eating habits. But as much as you admire them, you can’t get too close unless you want to get bitten.
I’m talking about the prowlers, spiders, and flyers, of course. They’ve been on my mind lately. Why? What did you think I was talking about?
Transition The Definition of Family.png

Season 11.svg The Definition of Family
BP Level 92
I can’t send this to you. Not yet. But I know this is a story you’ll want to hear someday.
It started with killer vines. It sounds stupid, I know, but they got ahold of Mystik, and she was close to taking her last breath. Her son—you remember him, the “dead” one—was the only person who could take us to the cure. I didn’t want to work with a man like that, but . . . Geogjeongma. He helped save her . . . and me, though he was selfish in the end.
That was the first time I returned to Gaea since I went into hiding. Not with you or Mystik, but with HIM. That made me angry, but then I realized: I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me, but we’ve helped each other survive. This man knows my biggest secret and I know his. We have the power to destroy each other, but I don’t think we will. Molla. Maybe that’s what family means sometimes.
But…don’t leave me stuck with him. I’ll find you. Soon, I hope.
Yeong-wonhi gajog.
Hack, encrypt message.
Transition Paquette Repair Service.png

Season 11.svg Paquette Repair Service
BP Level 95
Aah, we’re so close, Papa! We’ve nearly done it. It’s like I’m full of static energy.
The computer was no good when Crypto gave it to me. Revenant . . . did to it what he does to people. I didn’t think it could be repaired—most of its components were custom-made based on IMC patents. You cannot find them anywhere today. But . . . he told me why he needed it. Why it was so important. So I had to try.
I thought maybe we could scavenge the parts from old IMC machinery and computer banks—Kings Canyon is full of them, and no one is using them now. It worked better than I ever expected! Wraith has been helping—she was always good at finding things—and Crypto too, of course. We have to keep it secret from everyone else, but even between us, we’ve found almost all the pieces! Just a few more, and then we can turn on the power.
. . . Papa, this means so much to him. We’ll find them. I won’t stop until we do.
Transition Raiders.png

Raiders Collection Event Raiders
Raiders prize track
Thank you for playing the Raiders Collection Event.
Transition Dark Depths.png

Dark Depths Themed Event Dark Depths
Dark Depths prize track
Concept Art - Habitat Arena