Transition/Season 13

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These take place after "Hero" and the Saviors Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "Family Secrets" quest.

Transition Description
Transition Pre-Orders Now Open!.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Pre-Orders Now Open!
BP Level 01
<VPN Active>
</blkmkt.png… received>
<Opening message>
BODY: After being sold out for weeks, we’ve got another batch of Storm Point lobster fresh off the cargo ship. No shells, all flesh in pristine purple and green! We’re fresh outta claw meat, but the head is where it’s at! Nice sweet tasting notes with none of the brine flavor you get from common lobsters. With a price no one can beat, since we’re the only ones that have it! Pre-orders have just opened up, so let us know how much you want today before it sells out. Send your form and payment with level 4 encryption or it will be ignored!

P.S. All claims of sickness from the lobster meats are from poor storage and preparation. You’re gonna wanna cook it TWICE as long as you would a boring normal lobster and use FRESH butter to coat it. Treat yourself! Take care of your meats and store them well.

Bon Appetit!
<Message closed>
Transition Inside the Outlands.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Inside the Outlands; Episode 1082.5
BP Level 15
Transcript from CAM4_001.RAW
S.P.: Is the carcass in frame?
OPERATOR: I could hide three leviathans in this thing, so yeah, it’s in frame. Also, we’re inside it.
S.P: Good. Good. And let’s lose that low angle shot. We don’t want Mr. Silva looking like a villain.
D.S: I appreciate that, Miss Pebble. …Are we recording? I– I see a little red light­–

Transcript from CAM4_005.RAW
S.P: That’s great, but this time when you say “I take every matter in the Outlands personally”, could we have you say it… with a big smile?
D.S: I don’t smile.
S.P: …You don’t–
D.S: Not when I’m inside the belly of a rotting sea creature. Roll your camera.
S.P: With respect, Mr. Silva, you hired us for our PR expertise. If you want to project strength and, frankly, likeability to the Outlands… an interview showing you spearheading the changes coming to Storm Point – and… and maybe smiling – are going to help achieve that.
D.S: [SIGHS] …I should’ve had Octavio do this.

Transcript from CAM4_012.RAW
S.P: – and now that you’ve officially been sworn in as the One Voice of the Syndicate, the people want to know: What are your plans for the Outlands?
D.S: [a quiet laugh]
D.S: Change, Miss Pebble. Change.
Transition Margaret Kohere's Lessons.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Margaret Kōhere's Lessons
BP Level 52
Pop quiz, kid. A power-hungry crook’s coiled his snake-body ‘round the Outlands, and he’s slowly choking the life out of it… but you’re just a spoiled brat from Psamathe with no weapons to speak of and a pesky moral code that’s holdin’ ya back.
So what d’ya do? YOU GET TO WORK, GIRL!
If ya spend all ya time healin’ folks, you’ll never stop the bastard causin’ the wounds. Time to get in the fight. Time to get RUTHLESS! Hell… it’s time you learn some history.
Back in the day, a bunch of eggs called the IMC decided to take Salvo by force. Didn’t go so well for ‘em. They left behind a bunch of supply bunkers when they fled; and me and my Cracked Talons have been raidin’ ‘em ever since.
And here’s the thing… Those same IMC supply bunkers have been poppin’ up all over Storm Point. I reckon it's time you crack ‘em open, and see what sweet as treats they’ve left for us…
Transition APEXGAMESDAILY Presents.png

Season 13 Icon.svg APEXGAMESDAILY Presents...
BP Level 55
Blogs have been abuzz with theories behind the newest Legend, Newcastle, and his sudden burst of talent. After years spent failing to make it in The Games, he’s now sitting at the top of every fan’s power rankings. Some questioned if performance enhancers have come into play, some believe it was rigged, and others think that the Legends aren’t as competitive as they used to be. I have a different theory.
Many of us watch the Apex Games and the Legends on the screen, but how often do we think about the people behind the Legends? Lamont Craig, a handyman from Newcastle’s own Harris Valley, repairs and upgrades Newcastle’s armor. With his current hot streak, we’ve seen Newcastle play more defensively, looking out for his fellow Legends, and leap into action when needed. One can only assume that these are the result of Mr. Craig adding new defensive upgrades. Both Newcastle and Lamont declined to comment for this article. Stay tuned for updates.
Transition Selfish Mistakes.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Selfish Mistakes
BP Level 67
Hey there, Journal. It’s been a while since I wrote in this thing, mostly because it’s dangerous. If anyone finds this, everything I’ve worked for would be gone. However, this is the only place I can express my thoughts freely.
I constantly think about the decision I made to join the Games when I did. I could’ve easily waited just ONE game and wouldn’t have had my whole cover blown. But, to be honest, if my sister was going to leave for Gridiron, I HAD to see her one last time. Fighting by her side felt like we were kids again, like we were back home taking pot shots at bottles. It was exactly what I needed–until it wasn’t. When the Big Lobster Monster hit the fan, it all went up in smoke and I was made. Now Anita’s staying and she wants answers. I’m just afraid that she’s not going to like the ones I have.
Transition Out With the Old In With the New.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Out With the Old, In With the New
BP Level 82
[NEW] Bangalore’s Final Match! Newcastle Arrives
IMC.ool >> Anyone else struggling to work today? I can’t believe Bangalore’s leaving the Games. She’s the only reason I started watching. Nobody else has her discipline and tactical brilliance. Do they really think Newcastle can replace what she brings to the ring?
TheValGal >> lol RIP Bang. Byeee. Newcastle’s a REAL hero
IMC.ool >> Get outta here troll.
Causterizer >> both C-tier legends. except that
B1G_G0BL1N >> First, it’s accept*. Second, nobody cares what you think. Us Bangalords aren’t trying to wage war against the Castleheads. We’re mourning because Bangalore is one of a kind and a new Legend will never be able to fill her shoes. I’m sure Newcastle will be great.
PathBEBE >> Castlehead here. Sorry for the obnoxious ones. Obviously, I’m really excited for Newcastle. I think his defensive capabilities will be a great asset to any squad. But I’m gutted for you Bangalords. When I started watching the Games, I learned a lot about weapons from her commentary. She’ll be missed.
v0lt@ge >> wattson #1 losers
Transition Nothing Personal.png

Season 13 Icon.svg Nothing Personal
BP Level 83
I’m worried about you, Sarge. You think I’m mad? No… not at all. I don’t need you to go anywhere with me. I’m just thinking about how lonely you must be, abandoned by your little wolf, crying over a brother that’s worm food. You think this place is home, but nobody really knows you, do they? You know that. Then you’ll lie awake at night wondering if mommy’s still breathing. And daddy—how disappointed he’d be if he could see you, the “soldier” he raised running around in a bloodsport. I bet they’re wondering why their daughter didn’t love them enough to come home. Did she even try? Or maybe they’re dead, like the rest of your family. Did they ask for you on their deathbeds, hoping you would come? You’ll never know. So there’s no need to watch your back around me, Sarge. I don’t need to lay a finger on you. There’s no need for me to make you suffer when you’re already in Hell…
Transition Awakening.png

Awakening Collection Event Awakening
Awakening prize track
Thank you for playing the Awakening Collection Event!
Transition Gaiden.png

Gaiden Themed Event Gaiden
Gaiden prize track
Thank you for playing the Gaiden Collection Event.