Transition/Season 17

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Transition Description
Transition Boiling Point.png

Season 17.svg Boiling Point
BP Level 01

Mmm. Lady Grey. A gift to the sense! I inhale deeply from the tea leaves in my hands, bending slightly to duck an errant fist. Quality leaves are of the utmost importance. I gently side-step a knife-stab while pouring precisely 200 milliliters of piping hot water into the establishment's most... acceptable china. The tea leaves follow; I'm no philistine.

Indeed, I'm a humble - and very well armed - man, trying to enjoy a quiet 5:00am cuppa tea in his favorite hole in the wall. And yet here they are, a testosterone of hooligans, thinking they can make a name by challenging mine.

When my four assailants move in for the kill, I can't help but think: To milk or not to milk?

I blow on the tea before head-butting the first foe in the nose. His blood spurts into my milk container, answering my earlier question. The leaves have steeped for exactly three minutes. I pour the tea through a strainer, catching the leaves... which I then shove into another assailant's mouth, choking him on exquisite flavor.

Now then, six minutes to kill before my beloved beverage reaches optimal consumption temperature. Just enough time to make sport of any hooligan left standing...

Transition They Call Us Apex Legends.png

Season 17.svg They Call Us Apex Legends
BP Level 11

Bring back the Thunderdome. Heh. Couple of sops at the Syndicate got all misty over the good old days. Understand it, but don't respect it. Not a one of em' ever set foot in that ring.

When they got it in their heads to bring back the Thunderdome, they looked at me with gold glitters in their eyes. I was the last Thunderdome fighter that wasn't in hiding or in the ground. Commissioner. Shoulda shot the paperpushers down, but that wouldn'ta stopped em. But if they were gonna get up to it anyway, better do it right.

This place - any place - needs Legends. They come from all over the Outlands, each fighting for their own reasons. They're icons of strength and power. Outside the ring, they're Champions. Inside, they're equals - but the smart ones don't go it alone. Saw a lot learn that the hard way. Don't make their mistake.

They kill you, they're better. You kill them, you're better. That's never changed.

Transition Apex Legends Museum Opening in 2735.png

Season 17.svg Apex Legends Museum Opening in 2735
BP Level 45
Mothmanic: Omg!!!1 Think thbey have Seer merch?
> MooningMooner: Cat or bust
Stim_shake: When do they open? They’ve gotta have public visiting hours right?
> Roy230548395404: Lol you gonna fly to the middle of nowhere?
>> Stim_shake: Talos has a landing port doesn’t it?
HopeRidge2693: This is so exciting. My father has home records from the Thunderdome from when he was an operator at the Kings Canyon water treatment plant. So nostalgic. I hope I can bring my kids here.
PoetisMyGoet: Lol I bet Fuse steals the BH plushies
> clips_not_magazines: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
AlwaysFirst: First
wafflesb4swine: Bet the next guy’s a museum curator. Hits people with ancient artifacts. Take a thousand-year-old smartphone to the dome
SUNBurst25: aH ang galing! I hope they have a weapon section!
Transition The Fancy-Shmancy New Firing Range.png

Season 17.svg The Fancy-Shmancy New Firing Range
BP Level 86
Look, I’m not mad about putting a fresh coat of paint on something that needs it as badly as the Firing Range does. But who even is this guy? Old man thinks he can come in, throw some money around and be what–The new weapons expert? Ha. Nah man, that’s my department.

The new stuff is too glitzy. Yes, some of these updates are useful. The upgrades to the DUMMIEs will be great for target practice–the design on their movement patterns are actually good for running drills. I don’t need it myself, but some of these folks in the Games need to work on their technique. I’m glad they’ve amped up basic training… Everyone benefits from reviewing the basics, whether you're a rookie or an expert like me.

All right, fine... This thing isn’t as bad as I thought. Watch how fast I master it.
Transition Looking Back to the Thunderdome.png

Season 17.svg Looking Back to the Thunderdome
BP Level 93

…That’s a good question, Lisa. It’s certainly an honor to be represented in the Museum, but to say I have some baggage about those days would be an understatement, as you know.

Going back to your earlier question, I’d say the Apex Games get further and further away from what the Thunderdome felt like every day. The production value behind the whole operation alone is a scale I could never imagine. They have such huge playgrounds to fight in… It can feel overwhelming to us old-timers, but also inspiring.

We were never celebrities in the way the Legends are today. Well, most of us weren’t. But we were happy with that. Most of us played for the love of the sport, or for money, or because we simply couldn’t think of any other path for ourselves. The attention and glory… it was nice when you got a taste of that, but it wasn’t why we were there. So to now be featured in a museum…
It’s just not a future I ever anticipated.