Transition/Season 4

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These take place after "Up Close and Personal" and the Assimilation Launch Trailer.

Transition Description
Transition Hammond Robotics Draft1.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Hammond Robotics (Draft1)
BP Level 8
(PRESS STATEMENT - DRAFT 1) "From the Core Systems to the Outlands, Hammond Robotics has been at the forefront of innovation since its foundation by Dr. Heinrich Hammond in 2131. Our new Hammond Robotics is committed to leading the Outlands in extraordinary breakthrough solutions in colonial manufacturing, transportation, and security. Today, we are proud to introduce our new advanced development in energy distribution: the Hammond Robotics Planet Harvester." (PR Note 3-B: Don't be afraid to be boastful. We need to proudly remind the public the discovery of the Outlands wouldn't have been possible without HR. It is important to strategically deflect HR's involvement in the war and focus on the positive contributions. We must earn the public's trust. It's the only way to continue our [Transcription Damaged].
Transition Dining with Dino.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Dining with Dino
BP Level 17
Tenmei, the Outlands' most anticipated restaurant high above Psamathe, nestled in Olympus' fine dining district, has opened to an absolutely staggering amount of positive reactions - so I went to see what all the fuss was about. The atmosphere was warm and inviting; a cross between modern conceptualism, and au natural decor including a functional spring water reserve that runs throughout the restaurant (doubly surprising, considering Olympus' location). With exotic delicacies like Leviathan Stew to comfort food like Solace's Pio Burger, Tenmei delivers flavors even a tongueless robot would kill for. My friends, my readers... I think we've got ourselves a 5-Dino Bambino! My only warning is that this place caters to the higher-class clientele - even I'm probably going to have to place a few bets at the Thunderdome to afford my next visit. Kuben all the way!
Transition Seasonal Special.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Seasonal Special
BP Level 36
Today I was hired to work as a cook at the restaurant Tenmei on Psamathe (approximately). Exciting! I gave the chef a special Leviathan Stew recipe I learned from some nice soldiers on Solace. She says it is "provincial," which is correct – we were in the desert. I hope she lets me make it soon! Cube 1kg of leviathan meat and coat with a mixture of 30g flour, 5ml salt, 5ml pepper, and a pinch of cayenne. Brown the meat, then set aside. Chop and cook 450g bacon, then set aside. Cook 2 cloves minced garlic and 1 chopped onion in remaining fat, then deglaze pan with 60ml water. Add all ingredients, plus 475ml beef stock and 8ml brown sugar to a pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer for one hour. Add 3 medium cubed potatoes, 150g dried plums (customers don't like it when you call them "prunes", even if it is accurate), 5ml thyme, 5ml basil, 8ml rosemary, and 2 bay leaves. Simmer for 30 minutes until potatoes are soft. Garnish with fresh parsley.
Transition Exhibit C.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Exhibit C
BP Level 42
[Recovered from an unregistered transmission device possessed by one Marcos Andrade (deceased)]
051657: Mi vida
051657: I know you are going to argue
051657: But you can't argue with a surprise
237951: ...
237951: Marcos
237951: What did you do
051657: You remember that beautiful restaurant? The one on Olympus? There is a table for three waiting for us at 20:00
237951: !!!!!
237951: Thats too expensive
051657: But you know we can afford it
237951: Right NOW
237951: But what about tomorrow
051657: We have plenty to spare after that last job
051657: My girls deserve something special
051657: And my beautiful wife deserves a new dress
237951: ...
237951: <3
Transition Just Business.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Just Business
BP Level 48
[Excerpt from the "Word of Olympus" daily newscast] - Two of the victims have been identified as the evasive criminal couple Marcos and Alanza Andrade. Although there are few official records relating to the Andrades, arrest warrants from Gaean police officials and witness accounts obtained by the Word suggest that the Andrades were involved in a variety of robberies and burglaries throughout the Outlands. Their operations escalated in scale over the last decade, and officials claim that yesterday's violence was a result of a business deal gone awry. The assailant fled the scene and remains at large. Olympus officials are currently seeking information about the perpetrator's whereabouts, and have asked citizens to come forward with any information that could lead to their arrest.
Transition Mirror Images.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Mirror Images
BP Level 57
(1/5) Your first horrific thought is: where's my tongue? Never mind the piece of elevator in your neck, or the fact that you're not in any pain. Why don't you have a tongue? And that's when you see it. A blip at first. Like static in the air. A glitch. And within the glitch... a face. A new face. No. Not new. It's the face that chases you in your nightmares. The face that leaves you twisted in sweat-soaked sheets. Except this isn't a nightmare. It's a mirror. And that's not your nightmare. It's your reflection. This is the moment the program breaks down. When you realize what you are. And the next thought you have sends a bolt of ice down your spine that will stay with you forever: who gives a crap about not having a tongue, when you no longer have a mouth...
Transition Lies.png

Season 4 Icon.svg Lies
BP Level 62
(2/5) Everything you know is a lie. The toothbrush on your sink. Lie. The coffee on your nightstand. Lie. The bacon in your fridge. Lie. Is anything real? Yes. Lots of things are real. Like that time you drowned because no one heard you banging against the ice. Or when that bomb went off and you learned what it felt like when your eyeballs melted in their sockets. Or the time you refused to beg for your life, even as the knife plunged into your chest, and you heard the sound of your own skin tearing, and the blade scraping against the bone inside you. Hitmen don't die peacefully in their sleep. Hundreds, thousands of these horrific deaths crash into you all at once. Someone must pay. Must suffer. That's when you know your first stop. That's when you go to the Syndicate...
Transition The Program.png

Season 4 Icon.svg The Program
BP Level 73
(3/5) His name is Lowell, and he's sniveling about his kids. You'd roll your eyes, if you had eyes, because now you understand. They're just bags of blood and tissue. Goop, dressed in suits of skin. They're nothing. Like you were nothing. You dip a finger into the open wound on his leg, and run a finger along a tendon, like a bow on a violin string. He screams that he'll tell you. You lean in, his tears sparkling from the glow of your eye sockets. It was the cleanest kill, he blubbers. Just enter the mark's name in the program. Day later, they're dead. Completely untraceable. The perfect crime. You break his nose on the H on your handplate. And Hammond?! Lowell whimpers that they made the parts. That's all. You decide to teach Lowell a thing or two about parts… starting with delivering Lowell's to his kids personally... before moving on to Hammond Robotics...
Transition The Cycle.png

Season 4 Icon.svg The Cycle
BP Level 78
(4/5) You break the Hammond technician's spine on a bed of honeysuckle. He told you everything. How you're uploaded into a new shell upon death. Memories wiped. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Except hard drives are never really erased. And everyone knows, when you make a copy of a copy? Quality breaks down. Blood trickles from the tech's mouth. You've been there. Except you don't have blood. What was it then, that tasted like pennies when you took a right hook? You snicker. Of course. Your faceplate. It's copper-plated. Hah. Now that's funny. You ask the tech how long it's been. He points to a bloody file nearby. You scan it. Earliest Revenant upload was in 2420. 288 years ago... Your Dr. Frankensteins have been dead for over two centuries… a luxury you're not allowed. This is hell, and you're eternal. You wake the tech up. You're about to take 288 years of pent-up rage out on him. It's no fun if he isn't conscious...
Transition No More Lies.png

Season 4 Icon.svg No More Lies
BP Level 96
(5/5) Now there are no more lies. And soon, no more Hammond. You target one Hammond facility after another. And the skin suits are too busy waging war to care. They blame the Militia, write the dead off as casualties of war. It's not really a lie. It's someone's war... just not theirs. When you slit the last employee's throat… now what? Whatever your heart desires, I suppose… except you don't have a heart, and all you desire is what you were programmed to do in the first place. Ain't that a bitch. Question: who gets to die next? Answer: Anybody you want. This is the Outlands, baby. There's no law. No order. And you're the boogeyman. Or, at least, you will be. Soon enough. So when somebody vanishes without a trace? That's you. When a murder goes unsolved? That's you. Your revenge isn't aimed at one person. It's aimed at every person. It's aimed at any person. An endless supply of skin suits, and so much time to kill. What are you waiting for, little simulacrum? Get to work...
Transition System Override.png

System Override Collection Event System Override
System Override prize track
Thanks for playing in the System Override event!
Transition The Old Ways.png

The Old Ways Lore Event The Old Ways
The Old Ways prize track
Thanks for playing in the Old Ways event!