Transition/Season 9

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These take place after "Northstar" and the Legacy Launch Trailer. They are followed by the "The Legacy Antigen" quest.

Transition Description

BP Level 03
Koa -
Could you have taken any longer to get back to me? I was freaking out, after seeing everything on the news about that Salvonian lunatic! Try not to die between now and Pathfinder’s shindig, okay?? Speaking of...
I’ve spoken to Michael, and we’re accepting your invitation for the ceremony. But we’re getting our own place. Don’t argue with me, Koa. I hear they’re renting out some of the homes in between Apex matches. Cool, right? Michael and I can sip coffee and talk basketball in the same spot where someone almost murdered you the night before! Aren’t the Outlands great?
Anyway, your leviathan stew better be waiting for me when I arrive. And don’t worry about Michael. He promises to play nice. Please try to get along with him. For me.
I’m glad you’re okay, Koa. I just got you back in my life. I can’t lose you again. This trip’ll be a new beginning for all three of us. It’s gonna be killer, Koa. You’ll see. Killer.
Transition No cameras. No fans. No autographs..png

Season 9.svg No cameras. No fans. No autographs.
BP Level 18
During the early days of the IMC run Thunderdome Games, alternative combat leagues and competitions began to pop up throughout the Outlands. Some run by small-town crime organizations, some by competing companies as a new source of income, and some just for the love of the fight—the latter known today as Arenas. Founded by a group of former mercenaries, soldiers, and ‘off-the-grid’ individuals, Arenas focuses on the personal fight. No cameras. No fans. No autographs. These fighters join for one reason and one reason only: to win. More recently, the philosophy of Arenas has caught the eye of the Apex Games commissioner Kuben Blisk, who has openly supported the competition and enlisted his former colleague, the simulacrum Ash, to assist in its expansion. Arenas matches can be found in various abandoned, unsanctioned, or “legally” obtained areas throughout the Outlands by off-the-books deals. Some pop up overnight, some in preparation for weeks, but the only way to find them is to know someone connected. Arenas are only for the worthy.
-Excerpt from the tabloid The Outlands’ Chronicles by Cam Tasiello.
Transition High Speed Interstellar Travel Ain't Cheap.png

Season 9.svg High Speed Interstellar Travel Ain't Cheap
BP Level 32
Mandrake Hotel & Casino, Security Log #009795
Worker ID: Edmont, Lydia
Nothing to report, except a headache and Bored-Leg Syndrome. …Is that a syndrome?
Nothing to report. Hunger levels rising. Never anything to eat in this mold-fest. Could possibly eat the mold.
Nothi— Oh god, why do I have this job?! [sigh] It’s stable, Lydia. If you can call ‘erratic shifts, predatory management, and slave-pay’ stable.
A maintenance worker’s arrived, pushing a large trolley full of… something? Odd that it’s covered. Also odd that she stopped by the bar for – zooming – whisky?! Guess she wants her job less than me.
I’m sure she’s moving to avoid cameras. …But I’m also sure she just flirted with the girl at the bar. This shift just got interesting.
She’s positioned her trolley behind slot machine B-36, the one right underneath the skylight. …She’s, huh… she’s cute.
Found out what was covered on her trolley— A JET PACK which she just attached to the slot machine and used to FLY OUT THE FREAKIN’ SKYLIGHT!!!
…I’m so fired… Screw this job. Screw management. I’m deleting this file and getting gone. Good luck, Angelic Maintenance Worker, whoever the hell you were.
Transition Kampai.png

Season 9.svg Kampai
BP Level 45
She sits at a grimy bar, sipping a grimy pint, as bottles, fists, and teeth fly. It’s a no-holds-barred bar brawl... and yet only one thought runs through Ramya Parekh’s mind:
‘Ah, a relaxing night off.’
Ramya reaches for a new bottle – casually ducking a shoe that’s somehow found its way through the air – as her eyes catch the one other patron not engaging in casual property destruction.
“Fancy a top up, mate?” she offers the patron; a woman quietly fuming.
The woman considers. Her whisky’s full. She throws it back in one. “Sure, tide was low anyway.”
Ramya squints, “You’ve got a face like a wet weekend, mate. Don’t fancy the evenin’s entertainment?”
“Oh, I fancy it fine. You spun an impressive web of insults, blame, and confusion to the biggest idiots in here… then sat back and watched as the house of cards came tumbling down. Quite a party.”
“It’s a talent. And yet, you still look grounded.”
The woman laughs, “‘Grounded’. If you knew me better, you’d know that’s funny. …I’m Kairi.”
“Pleasure’s all mine. To many, I’m Rampart.”
“And to me?”
With a cheeky grin, “…Rampart.” They clink glasses. “So then again I ask, why the frown?”
Kairi sighs and finishes that second drink. “Oh you can’t tell? I’m celebrating. Got a brand new ex. …I’m telling you, that girl spat fire.”
“That right, mate? This girl… she got a name?”
Transition Call Your Next Witness....png

Season 9.svg Call Your Next Witness...
BP Level 47
World Court Transcript, People of Psamathe vs -------- April 16, 27---
PA: Do you recognize the defendant?
W: That’s the one. Checked out the Icarus Fleet file. It’s been years, but I remember!
PA: This was back in October of 2733?
W: Sure.
PA: And what is the Icarus Fleet?
W: Buncha scavengers flew to what used to be Typhon, to sift through wreckage and grab anything of value. Ships never returned. They were lost in space.
PA: So why would the defendant hunt them two decades later?
W: Didn’t ask, didn’t care. Until a call came in for ‘em. Don’t know what the person on the other end said, but the defendant sent a chill up my spine. I believe it was: “They’ll never link us to the Icarus. They think we’re the heroes. And we are. This just speeds up that process.” I hand over the file, that’s that. Six months later, guess what shows up and docks? You think just ‘cause you’re involved with the Apex Games, you get a pass, you murdering piece of--?!
DA: Objection! Witnesses cannot address my client!
W: My best friend died because of you! I hope you rot in hell for what you’ve done!!
Transition The Ghost of Viper.png

Season 9.svg The Ghost of Viper
BP Level 56
We didn’t scatter him in one place. I mean, I thought about it. Thought about just leaving him on that moon off Typhon. He made his choices, and that was where they got him. But even then, angry as I was . . . I couldn’t do it. So I brought him back with the Northstar. He was still on ice from floating in space—morbid, right?
We had him cremated. That was all I did, really. Had other things on my mind—making plans, getting money for the trip to the Outlands. I didn’t have time to think about . . . what to do with him.
Mom took care of it. Not that I knew—not until we got to Gaea. We were unpacking her house. It got windy, and she stopped everything—grabbed the urn and marched out into the field and scattered his ashes on the breeze. She said she left some in Angelia, right near the barn where he kept the Northstar. Then she brought the rest here, so he could be with his family.
Keep an eye on us, dad. You always did like a sky-high view
Transition My Hero.png

Season 9.svg My Hero
BP Level 62
...stories. My dad used to tell them to me. He had a lot of free time as a kid and basically read every book the boarding school’s library had. He was drawn to the history of the Syndicate, which was personal to him because he grew up as a fan of the greatest Legend of all time: Kuben Blisk. One of the very few residents of the Frontier who was born on Earth in the Core Systems, Blisk began his career as a fighter at a young age in the old Thunderdome games right here in the Outlands. When the Titan Wars began, Blisk enlisted in the IMC’s army and quickly climbed the ranks to commander. However, the politics and corruption of war pushed the infamous fighter into the life of a mercenary, where he could control his own fight and answer to no one but himself. My dad always related to that sense of independence. Of course, it makes sense after how his boyfriend ruined his life and then my mom. . . Trust was hard for him, but he powered through and raised me. I really look up to my dad, which is why he’s my hero...
—Excerpt from the “My Hero Middle School Contest”
Transition A Mercenary Wife.png

Season 9.svg A Mercenary Wife
BP Level 76
I kept my mom in the dark about a lot of things. I guess . . . everything. It sounds bad, but it was safer if she didn’t know. Even when it was time to go, I just said we were moving somewhere better—and hey, that part was true. Angel City was a ghost town. The farm’s turbines and hydro generators would break down eventually. So . . . I packed her up and flew her halfway across the galaxy, away from everything she’d ever known, to dump her on some planet she’d never even heard of. (Nice job, Kairi. Real good kid you turned out to be.)
Then I found Kuben Blisk. And . . . I didn’t kill him. I made the right choice. Knowing I could have—that was enough. But I knew it wasn’t really over until I told mom the truth. The next day, she made me tea, we sat down in her new living room, and I told her—everything. I could barely look at her. Honestly, I kinda expected her to disown me.
Then she looked me dead in the eye and said, “わざわざここまで来て奴のグラスを撃っただけか?フン。目玉の一つでも持って帰るべきだったな。” Translation: You came all the way here and all you did was shoot his cup? Should have brought back at least an eye or something.
Turns out mom’s smarter than I gave her credit for. Maybe she always was.
Transition Pour One Out.png

Season 9.svg Pour One Out
BP Level 86
The following is transcribed from a crumpled piece of paper discovered next to a burned-out campfire and a dozen empty beverages on Kings Canyon.
Maggie. Margaret. …Mags.
Five decades of harassment, abuse, stealin’ me bloody kills… Then ya follow me out here and wage war on me new mates! And then whadya go do?!
You cark it.
You die on me.
…You fell.
You’re worse than a bloody sister… except you know damn well I ain’t never had one of those. I just had you.
…Whenever a deal went south – and they always did – who had me back? When I nearly drowned off the coast of Matakana, who pulled me out?
When I couldn’t stand the sight of those budgies livin’ in cages in Miss Keyes’ classroom, and let ‘em out to follow the wind, who took the blame… even though everyone knew it was Little Walter Fitzroy…?
MAD BLOODY MAGGIE, that’s who.
That’s who you were, long before you took the name. Fierce. Fearless. …The finest damn warlord ever to walk Salvonian soil.
And now you’re gone.
Here’s the thing: In the Outlands, mayhem and chaos are alive and well… and through them, maybe you live on.
You said it best, mate: Ka kite ano.
…This next drink’s for you.

BP Level 94
What’s up, bro?
I’ve been feeling extra-- exist-- exit-- been doing a lot of soul searching lately. And I think my luck is about to change. They’re lovin’ the T-6000 Juicer! Haven’t sold any yet, but that’ll come. And then I’ll be a real man. The kind of man anyone would be proud to call family.
Did I tell you Lynnie and I are back in touch? She never could resist this charm. We’re having lunch up in the clouds today. Literally. She’s on Olympus for the Tin Man’s thing. Guess they made him a statue? (Even the damn MRVNs are getting their shine! What do I gotta do, huh? When is my day?) Anyway, most places are closed, she said. Something about a burst pipe? Giant weeds, or… who knows? That woman and her imagination. I always said, she could jumpstart a Trident with only a paperclip and a pipe dream! And she deserved better than a schmuck like me. But I’m working on it.
So after lunch, it’s back to work. Lots of meetings. Maybe the big one! You never know! And then they’d all understand. Every game I missed, every night I wasn’t home… it was all worth it. My son would finally appreciate my sacrifices, and welcome me back with open arms. I’d be a hero. A legend. And the name Witt would mean some
--Unfinished handwritten letter found in a men’s room of a Psamathe-bound Commuter Ship, 2734
Transition Genesis.png

Genesis Collection Event Genesis
Genesis prize track
Thank you for playing the Genesis Collection Event.
Transition Thrillseekers Arenas.png

Thrillseekers Themed Event Thrillseekers Arenas
Thrillseekers prize track
Thank you for playing the Thrillseekers Arenas Event.