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Holographic Trickster
Real Name Elliott Rodger Witt
Gender Male
Age 32
Homeworld Solace
Height 5'11" (180.3cm)
Class Support Class.svg Support
Tactical Ability Psyche Out.svg Psyche Out
Passive Ability Now You See Me....svg Now You See Me...
Ultimate Ability Life of the Party.svg Life of the Party
Real-world Info
Voice Actor Roger Craig Smith
Added Feb 04, 2019
Alright, either you're with me or you're against me, or you're with me and against me, cause I'll be honest, that happens sometimes.

Mirage is a Support.svg Support Legendwho has been available since launch. He can make decoys of himself using Psyche Out.svg Psyche Out and Life of the Party.svg Life of the Party to distract and confuse enemies, and can turn invisible while reviving squadmates thanks to Now You See Me....svg Now You See Me....

Mirage can be unlocked using digital currency: either Legend Tokens 12,000 Legend Tokens or Apex Coins 750 Apex Coins.


Psyche Out

Psyche Out.svg Tactical Q/ LB/L1/LB
Psyche Out
Description Send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy. Press to control the decoy.
Cooldown 15 seconds
  • When used, a hologram duplicate of Mirage is sent in a straight line to wherever the real Mirage targeted.
    • When spawned, the decoy will replicate whether Mirage was walking, running, or crouching, and if used in midair will have the same momentum as Mirage. It cannot climb walls or ride zip lines.
    • Upon reaching the targeted location, the decoy stands still and performs the 'inspect weapon' animation unless the player takes control of it.
  • The decoy can be controlled by pressing the utility action button (H/Down/Down/Down), and it will mimic Mirage's actions.
  • The decoy has 45 HP, and only takes damage from gunfire and melee attacks.
  • When shot, the enemy who damaged it is tracked with a marker for 3.5 seconds. This enemy will see 'BAMBOOZLED' on their HUD.
  • The decoy will also automatically vanish after 60 seconds or manually by deploying another decoy.
  • This ability may be activated twice while skydiving, and if you are with your squad in flight it will send out a full decoy squad.
    • decoys will fly off at that direction and angle at a constant speed of 149.
  • As the tactical is fast charging, always have your clones out. They serve well as an early warning.
  • Have decoys stand in front of death boxes or front of windows with a sniper rifle since these are the most natural places for a player to stand completely still.
  • If you're off on your own and suddenly start getting shot from a distance, put a decoy in front of you to instantly show your teammates where to shoot.
  • The best way to fool smarter players is to act like you're the decoy. Direct a decoy in one direction and then run in a straight line in a different direction or start controlling it. That way, enemies won't know which is which.
  • If your enemy is smart enough not to shoot decoys, act as a decoy to get behind them.
  • Send a decoy towards a door to make an enemy on the other side think you're blocking it, then flank around them.
  • If you look up into the air without any barriers (trees, roofs, etc.) then your decoy will run in a straight line with no end until they reach cover.
  • If you slide-jump, then while you're mid-air you send out your decoy, it will become extremely fast.
  • If you hold a grenade while sending out your decoy, it will show a unique animation while running. Use this if there is an enemy sniper nearby.
  • Send a decoy into a room with an enemy and immediately follow. They'll likely be briefly distracted by your decoy, giving you time to start shooting them.
  • Send decoys towards replicators and care packages when you're using/looting them, to reduce your chance of being shot if an enemy notices you.
  • Decoys will always have factory issue weapon skins, so if you don`t care about cosmetics too much, it might be worth it to unequip all skins you have for guns.
  • Some small rocks or other rough surfaces that your decoy should be able to pass through can easily destroy it.
  • The decoy will run noticably slower if you send it out while unarmed.

Now You See Me...

Now You See Me....svg Passive
Now You See Me...
Description Automatically cloak when using Respawn Beacon.svg Respawn Beacons and reviving teammates. Spawn a decoy and cloak when downed.
  • When downed, Mirage spawns a decoy that falls to its knees and dramatically pretends to be dying. He also turns invisible for 5 seconds, allowing for a quick escape.
  • When invisible taking any kind of damage will cause you to flicker in and out of cloak.
    • When downed you will not flicker when taking damage, the cloak will be removed completely.
  • When reviving a squadmate and using a Respawn Beacon or Mobile Respawn Beacon.svg Mobile Respawn Beacon, Mirage and the squadmate will become invisible.
    • After a revive, Mirage and his squadmate will remain invisible for 3 seconds. Activating an ability or drawing a weapon removes this invisibility.
  • Mirage’s Holo Emitters are visible to players who are less than 5 meters away while cloaked.
  • Mirage will also flicker if he’s using this ability outside the Ring.
  • Silence.svg Silence affects this ability.
  • The Holo Emitters will become visible while being healed by Lifeline's D.O.C. Heal Drone.svg D.O.C. Heal Drone.
  • Cloak prevents and removes being highlighted by:

The Motherlode.svg The Motherlode,Beast of the Hunt.svg Beast of the Hunt,Black Hole.svg Black Hole,Warlord's Ire.svg Warlord's Ire, Spotter's Lens.svg Spotter's Lens,Sniper's Mark.svg Sniper's Mark,Surveillance Drone.svg Surveillance Drone, Neurolink.svg Neurolink, Nox Vision.svg Nox Vision,Assassin's Instinct.svg Assassin's Instinct and digital threat optics.

  • Once you are downed and this activates, if you are near a ledge or fall-off, try to go down. It'll cover a greater distance and hopefully throw the enemy off of your trail long enough for a potential revive.
  • Do not use your knockdown shield unless you are being shot at intentionally, since using it will give you away.
  • Movement on dirt and waters also causes dust particles and water splash when crawling, and can give you away while cloaked.
  • Do not underestimate Mirage's invisibility when reviving. In a noisy or chaotic environment, enemies will find it difficult to find or notice you.
  • Sometimes reviving midfight can be worth it just for the invisibility, for example inside The Motherlode.svg The Motherlode enemies won't know exactly where you are unless they get very close, use it to your advantage and then strike by surprise.

Life of the Party

Life of the Party.svg Ultimate Z/LB + RB/L1 + R1/LB + RB
Life of the Party
Description Mirage deploys a team of controllable decoys to distract enemies.
Charge time 1 minute
  • When activated, Mirage summons 5 decoys around him that mimic his movements.
  • Turns invisible for 1 second before deploying decoys. During this time, his Holo Emitters will be visible to players who are less than 5 meters away.
  • Afterwards, Mirage will blink in and out of cloak for 1 second.
  • The decoys have 45 HP.
  • Try combining this ability with your passive ability when attempting to revive a downed teammate. The clones will appear with your teammate in the holograms. It will throw off the enemy's direction, and confuse them enough to fire at the clones as you revive.
  • It's a good idea to use the second of invisibility you get while casting this ability to change directions unexpectedly to make it more difficult to distinguish you from your decoys.
  • Running back through the point where you activate this ability will cause you and the decoys to converge, making it difficult for enemies to identify the real you if they've already figured it out.
  • Use this ability to escape dire situations, but try to avoid escaping in the direction the enemies expect.
  • Run into walls or in odd directions to make enemies think you're one of the decoys, if you find yourself in danger.
  • Don't use this ability after being hit with Focus of Attention.svg Focus of Attention. You'll still be scanned, and your decoys won't be, so it'll be obvious to enemies which Mirage is the real one.


Perk Effects
Support Class.svg


Level 2 Upgrades - Unlocked at 450 EVO
  • Miracle Worker: Revived squadmates passively regenerate 75 health over [?] seconds.
  • More Me: Reduce Life of the Party cooldown by 30 seconds (60 sec → 30 sec). Also adds 1 Decoy to the ult (5 → 6).
Level 3 Upgrades - Unlocked at 1800 EVO
  • Me Two: +1 Psyche Out charge. Allows two decoys to be active at once.
  • Bamboozle Bonus: Psyche Out cooldown resets on a successful bamboozle.


Main article: Mirage (character)
Mirage is the kind of guy who likes to stand out. The youngest of four brothers, he perfected the art of fooling around to get attention. The one thing he took seriously was Holo-Pilot technology: introduced to the illusion-creating tech by his engineer mother, he poured over the mechanisms and learned all he could about them. Even when his brothers went MIA during the Outlands’ Civil War, Mirage and his mother continued to develop holo devices, and the work brought them closer.

While working as a bartender to make ends meet, Mirage heard amazing stories from his patrons about the Apex Games and the wealth and glory that came with victory. As good as both of those sounded, he knew he couldn’t risk leaving his mother childless – until she gave him a set of customized holo devices and told him to follow his dream. Mirage is now the life of the Apex Games, outwitting opponents and charming audiences across the Outlands, in front of cameras for the world - and his mother - to see.

For more information on Mirage's story, see Mirage (character).

Cosmetic items


There are a total of 88 Legend skins for Mirage; 30 Legendary, 15 Epic, 27 Rare and 16 Common.


  1. May alternatively require The Revenger
  2. Equips the Dragon's Wing Wingman skin in Mirage's Legend select animation

Story of Mirage:

  1. Angel City Hustler: Elliott worried his first holodevices he built with his mother, Evelyn, needed more "pizazzling." Evelyn reassured her son that he didn't need "pizazzle" to look heroic.


Main article: Finisher

Heirloom Set

Main article: Heirloom
Mirage's Heirloom Set

The set includes:

  • A Banner Pose: You Really Love Me
  • A Melee weapon skin: Too Much Witt
  • An Intro Quip: "Excited to see you all in the ring. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of ‘mes’ to go around."


Main article: Emote
  • Selfie - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Time of My Life - Crafting Metals 1,200
  • Hype Man - Crafting Metals 400
  • Season 13 Icon.svg Terrible Twos - Level 97
  • Celestial Sunrise Collection Event Mirage Massage
  • Beast of Prey Collection Event Ones and Threes
  • Dressed to Kill Collection Event Loosen Up
  • Smooth Moves - Default

Skydive Emotes

Main article: Skydive Emote


Main article: Holo-Spray

Voice lines



  • Mirage's abilities are derived from Titanfall 2's Holo Pilot and Cloak abilities. This was especially apparent at launch, when cloaking rendered Mirage as a faint white silhouette rather than making him completely invisible.




See Also
