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Solace's landscape, as seen from Kings Canyon.
Location Prime System, The Outlands
Administration Syndicate Alliance of Free Worlds

Solace is a planet in the Outlands. It is the location of Kings Canyon, and the home planet of Fade, Gibraltar, Mirage, Rhapsody, and Wattson, and the current home of Newcastle.


Solace is the second planet from the sun in the Prime System, placing it in the same system as Talos, Gaea, and Psamathe.[1] The planet has a warm, dry climate, with much of its area dominated by deserts, mountains, and occasional swampland. Most of Solace's population is concentrated in Solace City and adjacent towns, with the rest of the planet devoid of settlements.[2] Solace effectively has no laws[3]; although the planet is under Syndicate jurisdiction, they have no dedicated police force[4] and rarely concern themselves with prosecuting criminals or settling legal disputes. Even its morgues tend to not have regulations or protocols - unclaimed dead bodies on Solace are typically buried after two weeks.[5]


Solace was first discovered and settled in the 2300s, followed by the rest of the Outlands. One of the first ships to reach it, the IMS Nostos, established the town of Little Mouse, the planet's first colony.[6] The IMC promised that additional expeditions would arrive to support these early settlements, but they didn't arrive for centuries, so Solace governed itself through its own volunteer programs and organizations, such as S.A.R.A.S.. It wasn't until the mid 2600s that the IMC arrived, quickly turning the planet into a military research and development outpost. During this time, the Thunderdome Games were established, as were various towns and facilities on the Kings Canyon peninsula. Solace was hit particularly hard by the energy crisis in 2655, but the discovery of massive stores of branthium in 2658 helped to end the crisis.[2]

Like the rest of the Outlands, Solace was largely unaffected by the Titan Wars or the Frontier War. Following the Frontier War's end, the IMC began to pull out of the Outlands, and in their absence the Outlands Civil War began. The IMC continued to have a presence in Solace until 2719 when the Thunderdome Games and Kings Canyon were closed. Solace primarily fought against Gaea for control of its fuel processing plants, which were necessary to keep Solace's water treatment plants running.[7] After several years of conflict, the civil war ended in 2723, and Solace became one of six planets to sign the Mercenary Syndicate Treaty, making them a member of Syndicate Space. This treaty included a clause to create a successor to the Thunderdome Games - the Apex Games. Solace's population tripled as a result of the new economic and political importance of the planet.[6]


  • Kings Canyon - Formerly an IMC military base on the Duchess River, now a stage for the Apex Games.
  • Kómma - A former IMC-controlled city that once thrived with gambling, clubs, and various questionable activities. Some time ago, the financial systems in Kómma collapsed after a virus inserted by Rhapsody spread out of control. In the present day, Kómma is now a ghost town. When Mirage crashed the Mirage Voyage into its downtown plaza, he struck a deal with its current owner, allowing Ash to convert it into the arena "Party Crasher".[8] Home of Rhapsody.
    • Neon Dunes - a dangerous nightlife district, where Rhapsody's family stayed after her mother was fired and laden with false debts.
    • Pythas Block 0 - a corporate campus located above the city of Kómma. Owned and operated by Pythas Inc., it contains many offices for powerful executives, some entertainment, and the Pythas Arcade.
  • Solace City - One of the only large cities on the planet, positioned near the coast of the Nostos Ocean. Solace City is considered to be a hub for fans of the Apex Games, with Loba regarding it as "an Apex theme park." During the energy crisis, Solace City used most of the planet's resources.[2] Home of Mirage and his bar, the Paradise Lounge. The headquarters of the Mercenary Syndicate, Syndicate Tower, is also located here. Wraith lived here while serving with the ARES Division.[9] Pixel Internet Cafe, where Crypto made his home, is also located here.[10]
  • Eelhead Bay - A fishing village that became part of Solace City. Home of Wattson.
  • Little Mouse - A small town 10 km outside of Solace City, and home of Gibraltar's family since Solace was first colonized.[6]
  • Harris Valley - A small, idyllic town somewhere on Solace, Harris Valley was founded by those widowed, orphaned, and left behind by the IMC during the Frontier War, resulting in heavy anti-IMC sentiment. It is a peaceful area, not even needing a government or police force.[11] The people of Harris Valley idolize a local hero named Newcastle. Unbeknownst to them, the original bearer of the mantle of Newcastle sold the town to a gang called the Forgotten Families, a group of IMC loyalists, to pay off his debts. Home of Jackson Williams.[12]
  • Antheia - A region north of Kings Canyon. Nothing is known about Antheia other than its name.
  • Norlock Lake - A lake assumably near Solace City. In 2735, Gibraltar rescued Michael Gentile after he crashed a Trident into the lake.[13]



  1. Maps found in the museum in Monument, World's Edge
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 8 - "Haves and Have-Nots"
  3. Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 9 - "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
  4. Tom Casiello on Twitter
  5. The Williams Sendoff Chapter 1 - "Living With It"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 2 - "Solace on Solace"
  7. Pathfinder's Quest Chapter 6 - "Mirage, My Best Friend!"
  8. Apex Legends Legacy Gameplay Trailer
  9. Wraith Heirloom inspect animations
  10. Transition - Message
  12. Stories from the Outlands - Hero
  13. Weekend Warriors Chapter 1 - "Search and Not-A-Rescue"