Deadeye's Tempo

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Deadeye's Tempo
Deadeye's Tempo.svg
Firing at the perfect moment increases fire rate.
Type Attachment
Compatible with Bocek, Sentinel
Loot tier Level 3

Deadeye's Tempo is a hop-up item which speeds up a weapon's fire rate when firing at a specific pace. It is no longer a standalone item, but its functionality is integrated into the Bocek Compound Bow and the Sentinel.


After firing a shot with a Sentinel or a fully-charged shot with a Bocek Compound Bow, a small indicator will appear beneath the crosshair for a brief moment. Firing again while the indicator is visible will allow the next shot to be fired faster; for the Sentinel, the next rechamber will be 1.25 seconds (down from 1.6), and for the Bocek, the next arrow will have a draw time of 0.38 seconds (down from 0.54). This boost is kept for as long as the weapons are fired at the right pace.


See also